Hi everyone,
I posted before about my sister - she is symptomatic of thyroid disease mirroring me exactly with symptoms 2/3 years before I got diagnosed: tiredness, palpitations, mood changes, erratic periods, coldness digestion issues etc. Blood tests before we saw the endo showed deficiencies in ferritin, vitamin d and folate (and for some reason I’ve now seen he did not test b12) so all the normal ones you expect to be low. Thyroid bloods showed T4 13 (12-22) and T3 4.9 (3.5-6.5) and a normal TSH of 1.9 which is the same TSH as mine at diagnosis. There is a strong history of thyroid disease - I have it and all but one of the female members on my dads side had/have thyroid disease. Neither I nor my sister have either antibodies.
The endo we saw is my own and with me he’s been amazing - I’m also unsure how many other endos would recognise the strange presentation we have. But she’s been on 25mcg for 6 weeks and - I would say obviously on such a small dose - doesn’t feel any better. She had another consultation today and can’t remember her thyroid bloods but said her folate and ferritin are deficient still and her ferritin isn’t even back in the 15-250 range after almost 2 months of supplements. This would suggest to me she’s definitely not optimal but he’s saying he’s keeping her on 25mcg for 2 months and if she’s not better to have a discussion with him - he says she doesn’t need more blood tests. this is an issue as she’s off work and the doctors are already getting funny about sick notes but she’s so tired with even going around food shopping and she does shop work! I’m trying to get her thyroid results to see the numbers but surely 25mcg could not have effected the T4 that much to cause him to hold the dose when she was barely in range? Any ideas where we should go from here? Thank you!