I was on 75mcg Levo for about 8 years and recently battled with the doctors to raise it, and they only reluctantly agreed to 75/100mcg alternate days, so equals about 87.5mcg a day overall, about 12mcg increase. I have also been taking Igennus Super-B Complex (2 tablets a day), Magnesium Complex (mostly Malate in it) once a day and the BetterYou Vitamin D oral spray 3000IU with K2 since my results in April.
Here are my previous thyroid results from 08.04.2020:
FT3- 4.5 pmol/L (3.1-6.8)
TSH- 1.81 mIU/L (0.27-4.3)
Thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAB)- <10 kU/L (0-115)
Thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb)- 15.9 kU/L (0-34)
Thyroxine (T4)- 117 nmol/L (66-181)
Free Thyroxine (FT4)- 16.5 nmol/L (12-22)
And here are my new thyroid results (20.08.2020) with my 12.5mcg increase in Levothyroxine (these were taken 8 weeks after my increase in Levo):
FT3- 4 pmol/L (3.1-6.8)
TSH- 1.26 mIU/L (0.27-4.2)
TgAB- 17 Ku/L (0-115)
TPOAb- 8.6 kIU/L (0-34)
T4- 100 nmol/L (66-181)
FT4- 19.1 pmol/L (12-22)
My other results from 20.08.2020:
Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)- 63 umol/L (41-77)
Unsaturated iron binding capacity- 39 umol/L (24.2-70.1)
Ferritin- 54 ug/L (13-150)- the results from April were 94 ug/L (13-150)
Iron- 24.2 umol/L (5.8-34.5)
Transferring saturation- 38% (20-50)
Active B12- 95 pmol/L (37.5-188), results from April were 75 pmol/L (37.5-188
), but I have been on B12 injections for both of these, so believe the results are skewed.
Folate- 22.7 nmol/L (8.83-60.8), results from October 2019 were 9 ug/L (3.4-15.8)
Vitamin D- 105 nmol/L (50-175), results from April were 69 nmol/L (50-175)
So my questions are:
1. I don't understand why my FT3 has lowered with the increase in Levo and I absolutely don't feel any better at all! Shouldn't FT3 increase with more Levo?Any idea why FT3 might decrease with an increase of Levo?
2. My Vitamin D has increased with taking the 3000IU supplement with K2/Magnesium so this is positive- is this now optimal?
3. My Ferritin is a fair bit lower and I haven't been taking any iron supplements- any idea why it would go down? Are my iron levels optimal?
4. Does my Folate look a bit low? I'm already taking Folate in the Igennus Super-B Complex.
Any comments/suggestions based on the above results most welcome!