Hi, can anyone advise regarding female pattern hair loss.
I had a dihydrotesterone test range .21 to 1.03 result normal .31.
The dermotologist thinks i have female pattern hair loss. But i think it looks more like male hair loss so had the above test.
Does anyone ever have a postive blood test result for female hair loss.
My testosterone is low normal.
Vit D, B12 zinc are very good as heigh normal. Ovaries are normal and i haven't inherited it. I also have thyroid problems but even when the thyroid is normal and I feel good my hair loss is still very progressive.
I'm 47 not menapausal. When i have a period my hair line receeds. Only bleed for two days so not heavy blood loss to cause this.
I've tried spirontactone which interferred with the thyroid and increases the hair loss no regrowth.
Tried hrt which made my hair fall out in handfuls so stopped it after four days. Really made a mess if my scalp.
Tried progesterone only pill. Again stunted the loss for maybe a week then hair fell out rapidly again. Again interferred with the thryoid hormone.
Tried t3 and carefully balanced it. Felt great scalp hair loss increased again.
Currently trying saw palmetto 300 daily for three weeks. Again its increasing the scalp shedding. Eyelashs are starting to shed again so it could be starting to effect the hormone balance and thyroid again. Don't know if i should stop taking it.
Used minoxidil for four months. Some improvement but heavy shed first. Had to stop as it made my head and eyebrows numb.
Been totally gluten free for 2 years. This has helped my eyelashes. But not the scalp or brows.
Used rosemary oil which initially helped stop the shed but doesn't seem to working now.
Tried cannabis which i bought at a retailer but i didn't like at all. Really spaced out. I don't think it would have improved the hair growth.
Tried cortisol supplements which improved my eyebrows but made my scalp hair receed. My cortisol was low normal and still low normal.
My scalp was normal two years ago but now i have very visiable thinning and patches. My scalp is terrible in bright day light.
I'm really out of ideas and my scalp itches terrible which apparently isn't suppose to happen with female pattern hair loss.
I have very little leg hair and under arms which I think i need to shaving as just a few strains. Tiny patches of hair loss on my groin which is how i started loosing my eyebrows. Again female pattern hair loss is only suppose to effect the scalp.
Is anyone else experiencing the same with female hair loss.
Thanks for reading.