If taking the following medixation and supplements, are there any certain times best to take them to avoid any interference.
Levothyroxine 125
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin D
Magnesium (Read this needs to be taken if taken vitamin d)
If taking the following medixation and supplements, are there any certain times best to take them to avoid any interference.
Levothyroxine 125
Vitamin B complex
Vitamin D
Magnesium (Read this needs to be taken if taken vitamin d)
Levo needs to be taken on it's own, at least 2 hours away from any supplements and other medication, some need 4 hours.
Vitamin D
Magnesium (Read this needs to be taken if taken vitamin d)
Take 4 hours away from Levo. Magnesium can be calming so it's possibly better taken in the evening, it may aid sleep.
Also, Vit K2-MK7 is needed when taking Vit D, when taking D3 it aids absorption of calcium from food, Vit K2 directs the calcium to bones and teeth where it is needed and away from soft tissues where it can cause problems.
Both Vit D and Vit K2 are fat soluble so should be taken with a fatty meal to aid absorption. They will compete for the fat so unless they are both oil based supplements (eg Doctor's Best oil based softgels, Healthy Origins oil based MK7, or oil based liquids) then take at different times of the day.
Vitamin B complex
Take at least 2 hours away from Levo. B vitamins are best taken in the morning as they can be stimulating, so either with breakfast or lunch.
Selenium Zinc
Take at least 2 hours away from Levo.
It's said that it's best to take minerals in the evening, vitamins in the morning.
Thanks as always. How much magnesium and VIT K2 is recommended for Vitamin D, and are supplementing these safe
? First time really trying vitamins so want to make sure I'm doing it rite
Nobody can guarantee that a person wont have a reaction to any supplement but I have not seen anything on the forum that anyone has had an adverse reaction to either of these supplements. Choose the purest you can get if you're worried, with the least fillers. For K2-MK7 these two have the least additives that I know of:
90-100mcg K2-MK7 is enough for up to 10,000iu D3.
Magnesum dose will be on the pack, it's usually something like 350-450mg. You need to choose the best form of magnesium to suit your own needs, these links will help:
Don't start all supplements at once. Start with one, give it a week or two and if no adverse reaction then add the next one. Again, wait a week or two and if no adverse reaction add the next one. Continue like this. If you do have any adverse reaction then you will know what caused it.
Thanks. Presumably as Vit D needs K2 and Magnesium, these should be started together and not 2 weeks apart?
Start them separately, for the reasons mentioned above. A week or two wont make that much difference.
Will any of the above supplements need to be stopped before my next Thyroid blood test
Vitamin B Complex often contains Biotin.
Any supplement or medication containing biotin should be stopped one week before blood testing. It can cause testing to be inaccurate for all sorts of tests - not just Thyroid Function Tests.
As Humanbean says, the B Complex will need to be left off for a week because it contains Biotin and as it's likely that Biotin is used in the testing procedure then results will be false if Biotin supplement is taken.
If taking iron supplements and testing iron/ferritin then again this should be left off for a week, also don't eat any high iron foods (eg liver) in the week before the test.
Anything else, just take after the blood draw on the day.