Hi all, sorry if this is a bit off topic but I know there are some experts in vitamins and minerals out there.
I haven’t been diagnosed with a thyroid condition but, with the help of this lovely group, I discovered my thyroid is sluggish (TSH hovers between 2.5 & 3 and FT3 has been at the lower end of acceptable range). I have also suffered from iron and folic acid deficiency and low (but not deficient) B12 and vitamin D with plenty of B12 deficiency symptoms. Over the last 3 years, after having iron and folic acid prescribed and then stopped, I’ve been self supplementing with B12, iron, folic acid, vitamin D & K and monitoring levels using medichecks private testing. This approach seems to have improved my thyroid function as my FT3 has risen.
Also my other levels are all optimal now except iron, which I’m really confused about and wondered if anyone has any insight. For about a year I supplemented with low dose liquid spatone and after a year (Oct 18) my ferritin etc levels were as follows:
Ferritin 20 (13-150)
Transferrin saturation 42.21 (20-50)
Iron 24.61 (5.8-34.5)
Medichecks recommended upping my iron dosage as my ferritin was still low. So I started taking 1 ferrous sulphate tablet a day during the week and not at weekends.
Jan 19 my ferritin had gone up to 26 (didn’t get the other levels tested) so I continued taking just 1 x ferrous sulphate a day as ferritin is still at the lower end of acceptable, until now. I’ve just taken another test to make sure I’ve not overdone it and the results are as follows:
Ferritin 36.9 (13-150)
Transferrin saturation 50.78 (20-50)
Iron 30.54 (5.8-34.5)
Medichecks have said that my transferrin saturation level is slightly elevated and I should discuss my results with my GP. Well seeing as I can’t get an apt with my GP and they seem to think vitamin and other deficiencies are made up, I don’t see the point! I’ve stopped taking iron tablets now, but I can’t understand how I can be over the range with transferrin saturation and my ferritin is still at the lower end of acceptable. From what I’ve read ferritin needs to be somewhere over 50 for the thyroid to function properly, but that would increase my transferrin saturation and iron levels to completely unacceptable levels.
Has anyone any insight into how you could have low ferritin but high transferrin saturation as I can’t find anything online about it.
I should also say I’m slightly worried about stopping iron supplementing as I know my levels drop without it and when I was anaemic, although the anaemia was classed as mild, my ferritin was only 7, and I felt like death! I want to keep a good level so I don’t get back to that again. And sorry I hate liver, it makes me sick!
Thanks in advance!