Having taken 3000iu's of Vit D3 for 3 months and it has not made any difference to my level, would it be OK to take 10000iu's for say, 2 weeks? I came across this supplement
10000iu per day D3?: Having taken 3000iu's of Vit... - Thyroid UK
10000iu per day D3?

I use that brand K2 drops, and have just bought their D3 to use when my current softgels run out.
When I discovered I was severely deficient (15nmol/L) I took 10,000iu D3 daily for 2 weeks (Doctors Best softgels) and I had no adverse reaction but of course we're all different so that doesn't mean that someone else wont react to that dose.
That's great to hear SS. I will order some then. Was 2 weeks at 10000 enough to bring your level to where it should be?
No, it wasn't enough but I was severely deficient and had probably been so for a long time.
I took 2 weeks at 10,000iu then reduced to 5000iu then retested 2 months later, by which time my level had risen to 202nmol so I reduced again to bring it down to the dose recommeded by the Vit D Council/Vit D Society - 100-150nmol - and now I keep it within that range with a maintenance dose.
The main thing is that you find a dose thatcyou can take every day. Vit D I understand has a half life so say you take 1,000 one day then nothing the next then you only have 500 left in your body and so on. If you take it every day it will gradually build up and you should feel the improvement.