Private thyriod TEST different to nhs testing?? - Thyroid UK

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Private thyriod TEST different to nhs testing??

Yennn profile image
36 Replies

Hello I have finally done a thyriod panel test.

My results are

Tsh 2.01 (0.27-4.20)

Ft4 16.30 (12-22)

FT3 4.22 (3.10-6.80) TBA 33.90 (0.00-115.00)

TPA 9.0 (0.00-34.00)

Do these results look ok?

I still struggle with extreme fatigue, intolerable to cold/heat hair loss, dizziness

And off my work for two year comings

My nhs result were done in


TSH 0.65 (0.35-5.00)

ft4 13 (9-21) and they wouldnt do a FT3

But agreed to do total t3 1.1 (0.9-2.2)

I am not on any thyriod meds. I fasted for both blood work.

Vitamin d was 51

Vit b12 699

Ferritin 43.

Plus I failed two short synatchen test which nhs are only offering HC on sick days.

If any one can help thank you.

Am I right in thinking my levels have gotten better? U wonder what could have contributed to that, any one might know?

I’m not on thyroid medication.

I take HC and a host of supplements as mentioned in comments.

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Yennn profile image
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36 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

When were your vitamins last tested?

Vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12?

Can you add most recent results and ranges

What supplements do you currently take?

Your FT3 is clearly low

Have you seen a thyroid specialist?

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

Hello slow dragon! How are you? Thanks for coming to help me again! I have updated it now.

Yeh I seen an endo they said all results normal. Said FT3 was within range no treatment?

I take vit D3 k2 vit E C B2 b3

Dribose lcarntine magnesium

Probiotic iron selenium

Sea kelp dim

Stopped all the above to do the private test just Incase.

What meds or supps can help up my levels of FT3 and can I ask what makes them low if Docs day normal? Thank you x

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply toYennn

Sea kelp is possibly NOT a good idea

Obviously iodine is deeply controversial. Personally I wouldn't risk it.

You are legally entitled to printed copies of your blood test results. Do not accept "result is normal "

FT3 in range could be 3.0 or 5.8

But many people would feel dreadful if FT3 was under 5

Total T3 looks very low.

Vitamin D - assuming its UK units of nmol - this is too low. Dose needs increasing. How much do you currently supplement?

Aiming to improve to at least 80nmol and around 100nmol may be better . Vitamin D mouth spray by Better You is good as avoids poor gut function. Suggest you supplement at double current dose for 2-3 months and retest.

It's trial and error what dose each person needs. Once you Improve level, very likely you will need on going maintenance dose to keep it there.

Retesting twice yearly via

Local CCG guidelines

Government recommends everyone supplement October to April

Vitamin C daily can offer support for adrenals

Ferritin looks low. What's the range on this?

Eating liver or liver pate once a week, or other iron rich foods, plus vitamin C to improve iron absorption

Looking for ferritin at least half way in range

No folate test ?

I would improve vitamin D, look at more iron rich foods

Then retest via Medichecks or Blue Horizon in say 6-8 weeks

Why not try a good quality daily vitamin B complex rather than separate B vitamins

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

Hey thanks for your reply , I called up to ask for my blood work the practise says I need to fill out a form before they can release it to me.

Ok so no more sea kelp. Thanks.

Yeh I take 8000iu of vitamin D. Life extension drops,

So I hope these levels have increased since the were last checked

I will retest again.

Folate was 7.3 (3.1-20)

Serum ferritin 41 (15-200)

This was over 6 months ago have been supplementing this too.

I missed out I take a multi b vit.

I take vit b2 for migraines

Vit b4 niacin for the flush for my Lyme disease.

The nhs test was last year August and the private one was just done this week. My tsh levels have increased. Do u know why this might be?

Is it a good sign?

U said FT3 total t3 were low. What could I do to yo these levels?

Would armour thyriod be a good suggestion? Thanks

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply toYennn

Getting vitamins optimal helps Thyroid hormones work better. Then TSH often rises

Hopefully enough to get a doctor to prescribe starting thyroid medication

Starting with's the easiest and cheapest option. It suits many

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

What’s kind of levels would tsh need to be for docs to prescribe Levothyroxine?

Would that also help me get to a better level of FT3? Thanks

MaisieGray profile image

You've written that your NHS test included total t3 1.1 (0.9-2.2), which is a different test to your FT3 test with Medichecks, and they can't therefore be compared.

Did you have blood drawn for the two tests, under the same conditions eg same time of day and having fasted on both occasions? Not doing so can cause results to be different.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toMaisieGray

Hey! Bhs wouldn’t do a FT3 check.

Yeh both done 9am

I’m not on any meds to fast.

Can the tsh levels be compared or the ft4

Looking at those result does everything seem fine? Thank you

MaisieGray profile image
MaisieGray in reply toYennn

No, fasting means not eating or drinking, other than water.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toMaisieGray

lol I’m such a dummy! Yes no food water nothing before it lol sorry about that error ahah

MaisieGray profile image
MaisieGray in reply toYennn

lol, no you're not, it's an easy mistake to make :-)

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toMaisieGray

Still lol. Because I did fast wht do u make of these results?

MaisieGray profile image
MaisieGray in reply toYennn

Firstly, I'm not familiar with sea kelp Diindolyl-Methane, so don't know it's constituent parts, but as a general rule, wouldn't recommend taking sea kelp or anything containing iodine, because iodine isn't to be supplemented unless you have been tested and a deficit identified. If you scroll down to the section entitled Discussion, this link will explain the issues; and in particular you'll see "Iodine excess can cause overt clinical hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism in participants with hidden thyroid disease.

Also in participants with normal thyroid status, a persistent, not definitive hypothyroidism can be induced by iodine excess. Herbal medicine or diets for weight loss containing kelp should be avoided also in participants with no evidence of thyroid disease.

It's a possibility therefore, that your thyroid results may have been skewed accordingly, depending on dose, how long you've been supplementing, how soon before testing you stopped the sea kelp DIM, and your baseline levels.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toMaisieGray

Thanks for that info,

I had stopped taking supps for two weeks prior to test.

I take one sea kelp tablet worth 15mg of kelp and dim 150mg to balance my estrogen levels.

Oh I forgot to mention nhs testing was months prior to private test.

I am not doing too well today, am I?!

Eck I Better edit and add that on, so my levels have increased in past few months, that’s good right?

Slow dragon mentioned he thought my ft3 is low.. would u agree if so what do I do to increase those levels, thank u x

Well, first of all they weren't testing the same things. Total T3 is waste of time to test. Secondly were both tests done at exactly the same time of day, fasting, 24 hours after last levo dose? If not, you can't compare the TSH or free T4 results. You don't give a range for the NHS free T4 or TSH results

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toAngel_of_the_North

Hey thank you Iv updated it now.

Nhs won’t check FT3 totally t3 was all I got. Mum not in meds so no needs for fast?

Can the rest be compared or does it look like a normal panel? Thank you

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply toYennn

Still need to fast and do test first thing in the AM even if not on meds. You can only compare tests done under the exact same conditions

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toAngel_of_the_North

I only realised then that fasting meant no food or drink

Yeh I done both test fasting. At same times. But the nhs one was last year so am I correct in thinking my levels have gotten better?

Would u say ft3 is low.. thanks x

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply toYennn

FT4 is still lower than mid-range and free T3 30% through range so also too low for most people, but better than NHS test. Higher TSH suggests pituitary has noticed low thyroid hormones and is trying to compensate

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toAngel_of_the_North

Okies thank for explaining this to me. So my tsh levels Mayb rising due to a pituarty issue?

Would armour thyriod help me to get my ft4 levels up and FT3?

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply toAngel_of_the_North

FT4 is too low in both tests NHS 33.33%, 43% private. Were you taking a supplement containing biotin (vit B7) at all? Basically you might have a pituitary problem (given synacthen tests) but NHS are not going to treat for thyroid problems

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toAngel_of_the_North

Hey thanks I haven’t been taking any vit b7, ah my Doctors aren’t even treating me for failed synacthen test. They said first test was out right fail second was borderline. So only HC on sick days but I’m sick everyday so that’s not very clear.

Slow dragon said my FT3 needs sorting at levels of 4.22. I’m unsure how I can do this if I won’t get treatment from my Docs wit these results? Would you know?

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply toYennn

You need to get vitamins optimal first

Then get FULL Thyroid and vitamin testing as early as possible in morning and fasting

Getting vitamins optimal can improve the way Thyroid hormones are used. Then TSH can ride so you can get Thyroid Treatment

Have you tried strictly gluten free diet?

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

Thank you yeh I have been eatn gluten free for almost two years now.

I’m taking supps also on daily basis.

The vitamins to concentrate on

Vit D ferritin folate ? Then tsh levels will rise is that correct? X

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply toYennn

Ideally getting TSH over range, but a GOOD endocrinologist would consider low FT3 and low FT4 together with high, but still within range TSH

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

Ok so for now cause my tsh is within range, I don’t have a thyriod problem? I’m sorry I’m a newbie to all this.

Say if I was on armour thyriod which my functional doc would prescribe me with a private prescription. Would that help raise my FT3 ft4? X

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply toYennn

You might find someone prepared to prescribe....but possibly not yet

Are you confirmed as definitely Lyme Disease?

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

I have got someone that will prescribe what I ask as it’s paid prescription,

I just need to know armour is the right meds to take, if so what dose to start?

Yeh sadly diagnosed Lyme last October not via nhs all tested negative But u paid armin labs and it came back positive. I was also bitten in July 2017 by an insect/tick when camping, 6 weeks later my whole body and world collapsed. Two years on I’m still clawing on.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply toYennn

Suggest you put up a new post about starting on Armour

Personally I would try Levothyroxine first.

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

Ok I wil do thank you, is there a reason u would try Levo than armour?

Thanks for ur help and time to reply


SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply toYennn

If adrenals are a problem Levothyroxine might be easier to tolerate to start with ...certainly cheaper

Plus 99% of UK medics think NDT is snake oil and being outside NHS for ever, for all illness can be problematic. Many medics refuse to treat patients on NDT

Obviously if Levothyroxine is not satisfactory, then next option is Levothyroxine plus T3.

Some more endocrinologists are slowly coming around to reconsidering NDT

NDT doesn't suit everyone.

I have Hashimoto's. Levothyroxine plus T3 seems to suit me better. The T3 can be very fine tuned

Starting on just Levothyroxine

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

Thank you for ur replies and tryin to help me I have booked Into c dr toft weds so will ask him for his advise.

I’m paying for this consultation

Do u think I need to ask him anything that could potential help me get some treatment to improve t4 t3 x

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply toYennn

I imagine there is a Lyme disease support group?

Perhaps ask there

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

Yeh I am also part of the Lyme group

sadly I hvent connected with anyone who understands the connection with Lyme to thyriod adrenals etc or what is best to take, as chronic Lyme is such a grey area with no treatment plan x

SlowDragon profile image

silverfox7 explains very well here, why starting with Levothyroxine is recommended rather than straight into NDT

Yennn profile image
Yennn in reply toSlowDragon

Thank you so much x

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