Hi Everyone
Just joined the site after reading your articles and comments. I am a 57 year old female.
Yet again I have been to the doctors re my day time fatigue and sleepiness, especially after eating, lack of energy, the brain fog and bloated stomach- I have probably been once or twice a year with the same symptoms for the past 6 years and my blood tests are always normal. I constantly keep eating to keep me awake and feel better, resorted to gum as weight is increasing!
This time the doctor rang to say my thyroid was borderline and that I should have a further test in 4 -6 weeks. My folate and iron were normal, my diabetes/sugar levels were ok, I asked about my B12 thinking this was sure to be the reason for my sleepiness during the day- as my sister has B12 injections for her tiredness (has MS).
"No your B12 are fine, in fact they are off the scale at 1044, most people are at the low end of the scale at the 219 range. Are you taking vitamins, or multi-vitamins?"
No "oh well it must be high because of your diet.
Your Cholesterol is borderline at 7.7 so it is up to you whether you want to take a statin or not?
My medications are omaprazole for hiatus hernia, GERD for 6 years and 6 years on atenolol beta blockers for migraines. (My migraines were horrendous - betablockers have been amazing) I do now wonder though - do I still need to take them as I am now passed the menopause etc
The following are minor conditions I have had for the past 6 years or so :Very itchy scalp, which is now affecting my back, athletes foot comes and go on feet and skin creases on the groin, never had this before, red sore tongue, dry skin on calves and feet, lots of skin tags on the neck. More recently; painful hip and knee, soft tissue I think rather than mechanical- wakes me up at night- getting worse as is the sore tongue. Back of throat always red, glands on the neck always raised, hands are extremely dry and chapped all year round. Lots of aches and pains and stiff legs after sitting - Blamed all these symptoms on the menopause!
Symptoms over the last 2 months tingling between my eyes and tip of nose, crawling feeling under the skin, mild itchy eyes, tender when pressing down my leg and arm- doctor said it was bursitis and to read about it on line.
Family history: my mum was type2 diabetes, been on thyroid mediation for 30 years, recovered from breast cancer but died of stomach and liver cancer 22 years later.
Sister on thyroid medication, B12 injections and has MS
Auntie been on thyroid medication for 50 years- is 93. Cousin 61, she is borderline thyroid.
Dad died after a 2nd heart attack at the the age of 57, his first thrombosis was at 42 years old, caused by high cholesterol.
Welcome any info. Just rang the surgery, the receptionist advised my Thyroid is 6.5 which is above the range 0.27 to 4.2 apparently. Don't know which T number this is.
The doctor explained that the thyroid is normal production levels but the thing in my brain is working twice as hard to maintain it....