I live in BC, Canada and having thyroid problems leaves you dismissed by doctors and endocrinologists unless the numbers are crazy! I had a full hysterectomy four years ago and no hormones were offered. I really struggled plus had a heart attack 2 1/2 years ago. I knew i needed hormones but they wouldn't listen. Now i know my thyroid is failing , horrible dry skin, insomnia, aches and pains all over, thining hair, weight gain, hot and cold, tired, short of breath, palputations yadda yadda. Feel lousy. They will not check FT3 or FT4 unless your TSH is out. I have a few of my tests and would love feedback. Jan 2/22 TSH 5.79 of 34- 5.60 scale T4= 11 of 8-15 scale. Feb 2/22 TSH 8.79 scale .34- 5.60. Mar 26/22 TSH 5.53 of .32-5.04 scale. T4= 12.4 of 8-15 scale. There were a couple of others like another TSH 8.30 and Oct 31/22 TSH 4.81 of .32-5.04 scale plus they did thyroperoxidase ab 57 of less than 35 scale and thyroglobulin 7.8 of less than 60 scale. I was put on synthroid at 1/2 of 25mcg but started getting palputations and feeling hyper so i stopped. Nothing from doctor so not sure if i should go back on. Thyroid and Hashimotos runs in the family.
TSH and reference ranges vary by where you live... - Thyroid UK
TSH and reference ranges vary by where you live. Just can't get the answers i need.

Hi scotsrish, welcome to the forum.
I really think you should go back on it, with a TSH that goes up to over 8, and high TPO antibodies. You have Autoimmune Thyroiditis - aka Hashi's - which will only get worse.
Hashi's is an autoimmune disease where the immune system slowly destroys the thyroid. There is no cure, nor even a treatment. All you can do is replace the hormones that your thyroid can no-longer make enough of to keep you well.
I cannot understand a doctor putting anyone on such a rediculously low dose of levo! That takes a special kind of ignorance. The normal starter dose is 50 mcg - 25 mcg if you are very young, over 60 or have a heart condition. It should then be increased by 25 mcg every six weeks until you feel well and symptoms are gone.
Palps can be hypo symptoms. You are hypo, and a daily dose of 12.5 mcg levo would do nothing to help that. But what do you mean by 'feeling hyper'? How can you know what hyperthyroidism feels like if you are hypo?
Thank you greygoose funny how it takes help from the UK when you keep hitting walls in Canada. I first came to healthunlocked two years ago. Had a heart attack the begining of covid took three months to get cardiologist then she quit because of covid. No rehab, no advice, a bunch of pills making me sick and a GP that was run off his feet. Healthunlocked was my saving grace. In answer to your queery i had heart attack and two stents, i am over 60 and the hyper i described was like bursts of energy. Like i had been speed walking so i don't know what hyperthyroidism feels like just feeling hyper, busy, anxious. I am looking at testing now thanks again. Do they use dessicated thyroid in the UK ?
Some people use dessicated thyroid, yes, but it's very difficult to get it prescribed because it's not registered in the UK. People usually have to buy it on-line. I live in France, and here it's illegal!
Your symptoms don't sound like hyperthyroid symptoms. But, then again, I've not idea what speed walking feels like! 🤣
sometimes intolerance to thyroid medication can present as hyperthyroidism, but in fact you are hypo with transient symptoms of hyperthyroidism because you are actually just adjusting to the dose (usually due to low nutrients and cortisol issues).
Did you ever have bloods confirm you were over treated?

No i did not get extra tests and had to beg for the tsh then the antibody tests. Here in BC the doctors have to go against the so called research in order to truly help those suffering with thyroid problems. Thyroid problems has really increased either from having had covid or maybe the vaccines. I am going to look for an alternative practitioner and further testing.
it’s the same worldwide sadly 😑 good luck 😊
I'm sorry to hear about your heart attacks. Would seeing a naturopath be a possibility? I was on the search about 2 months ago and I think I saw a link to one that had an autoimmune condition herself. If I recall she uses ndt. I can try to get the link, alternatively you can join Thyroid patients canada on fb, they are quite helpful. Also, improving your nutrients and adrenal levels will help you tolerate meds better. For me it was getting my ferratin at least 75% through the range that helped.
Starting a new dose gives me crazy symptoms but they settle down around 3rd week for me. I was better able to improve my free t3 levels through ndt.
Excellent advice i live on Vancouver Island BC Canada. I had searched for a naturapath but the reviews were pretty poor in my area. I am still looking though and perhaps covering the Island.
The naturopath I mentioned to you is also in BC and she does a free 30 min consultation. getnaturopathic.com/dr-jiwa...
Wishing you all the best on your journey.

Get vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 levels tested too
Likely to have low vitamin levels being hypothyroid
It is possible to get private testing in Canada
Lots of info on