Hello. I haven't posted for a while but thought I'd pop in and ask you amazing people some advice.
I've taken NDT since 2016 and always felt better with a lower TSH. I recently stopped in May as I saw a private doc in London for HRT treatment and she wanted me to get my hormones in order before looking at thyroid stuff. So, gave it a go (without NDT) for a few months and found the folllowing
I feel very tired...
my hair has fallen out/thinned to the worst it has ever been (bald patches, and just like thin bits of straw) It's the worst its ever been and got drastically worse while on the HRT, which is odd as I thought HRT made hair loss better.
I have lost weight and sleep a bit better
But, I feel as if the hormones don't make me feel good and plus my results that I had recently don't make me feel good either!
TSH. 2.05 (035-3.5)
T4 14pmol (80-21)
T3 3.5 (3.8-6.0)
Thyroid antibodies <36.3 - 0.0-340)
It's clear my T3 is low and I have mildly raised antibodies. Previously they had ranged from <63 to <73 and then when on NDT they were nothing.
I know I have to go back on NDT so will be trying to get a prescription, or buying it again but can't really afford it..
Any thoughts?