Two years ago my labs on no thyroid hormone (shown below) came in normal except for low total T3. My endo said that was a useless measurement, and stated emphatically "I would not treat this." I convinced her to let me go on a trial of thyroid meds to see if I benefited from it. I noticed that thyroid hormones gave me energy at first if I took a product with some T3 - especially in the beginning when it was additive to my own hormones - but as I worked up to total replacement, I was feeling tired during the day.
I took a day off from thyroid hormones a week ago to get my TSH up from .18, and noticed I felt better that day than I had in awhile. So I've stayed off thyroid hormones for the past 7 days and still feel great; no fatigue. I'm going to see how it goes.
I notice that my free T3 stays the same whether off or on meds; at 2.9. So that seems to be where my system wants to keep it. I am now thinking that letting my own natural thyroid hormones do the job may be better in my case than replacing it with synthetics.
I've tried all NDT, all levothyroxine, and various combinations of both and no dose had me feeling better for long. Some worked for awhile, but then my body adjusted. And I often had the typical peaks and valleys that these meds cause. Labs before and after, and ranges, are below. I am posting this to get other's opinions. Whatever my normal thyroid function is should return after 6 weeks off meds, so I will get tested then if things go ok and I stay off in the meantime.
TPO antibodies stayed the same at 50 while on or off thyroid hormone.
Before thyroid hormone ........................On 50 mg. levo plus 30 mg Armour NDT
.............2016 ....................................................................2018
T4, Total 6.1 ..........Range: 4.5-12.0 .................T4 Total 7.1
T4, Free 1.0 ...........Range .8 - 1.8 ....................T4 Free 1.2
T3, Free 2.9 ...........Range 2.3 - 4.2 ..................T3 Free 2.9
T3, Total 62 ...........Range 76-181 ....................T3 Total 78
T7 2.0 .....................Range 1.4-3.8 ....................T7 2.5
TSH 2.21 ................Range .40 - 4.50 ................TSH .18