Hi, I was wondering if anyone understands what's going on, I have had an underactive thyroid for 16 yrs, was on 200mg levothyroxine then 3 years ago my doctors reduced it to 175 mg and the next year 150mg, due to my tsh being 0.2.
I felt more tired and cold but they wouldn't put it up, I was tested last year and I was fine as far as they were conserned even though I was suffering with depression.
This year I have really struggled big time, work and sleep is all I'm capable of and that's a struggle. My test results were bad at the beginning of this month:
Tsh 28.4
T4 11.2
T3 2.5
I have changed nothing 're my meds or lifestyle except giving up smoking in January. Any ideas of the cause?
From Sarah