Hi, I have had hypothyroid for over 30 years and have been on Synthroid alone until this past few months. I am currently on 75 mcg Synthroid and have been also taking 5mcg Cytomel for a few months. After my blood tests in April, I increased the dose of Cytomel to 10 mcg. I have had no change in symptoms or energy levels but my blood tests have improved slightly.
My Anti-TPO is now at 17 (Reference <34) (last 2 tests were 19 and 20).
TSH is .25 (Reference .35-5.0) Last 3 tests were 0.29, 0.61, 0.91)
Free T4 is 13 (Reference 12-22) Last 3 tests were 14, 16, 18
Free T3 is 3.2 (Reference is 3.4-5.9) Last 4 tests were 3.5, 3.5, 4.3, 3.3
My energy levels seem at an all time low and I have gained 5 lbs mostly around my waist since this time last year, even though I eat very healthily and exercise daily.
My doctor wants to just increase my Synthroid but I want to start feeling well again and actually having energy to do things! Any advice would be appreciated.