I have been regularly reading this forum for quite some time and am writing with a question for the first time. I have Hashimoto's and take 100 mcg of Synthroid and 5 mcgs of Cytomel (10 mcgs 2 days a week) and my recent blood results were as follows. The very low tsh scares me. Should it? I had been feeling excellent but I'm very tired lately. Doc tells me it's my adrenals and that all numbers below look terrific.
Ths-.033 (0.450-4.500)
T4-8.3 (4.5-12.0)
Free T4-1.56 (0.82-1.77)
T3-94 (71-180)
Free T3-3.1 (2.0-4.4)
Reverse T3-21.2 (9.2-24.1)
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!