HELP‼️ My TSH: 0.01 Free T3: 3.8 Free T4 1.42. Currently on .15 mg Synthroid & 5 Mcg Liothyronine (Cytomel). Just came off 90mg (2x/day). NP (Armour) Naturally Desiccated Hormone. While doc says I am HYPER- I am having HYPO Symptoms‼️ Hair Loss, Weight Gain, Sluggish, Moody, Dry Skin, etc.. I know I should probably test Adrenals. What else?! Thanks in Advance 🙏🏼❤️ Rita (Note: pic on left was at 127 lbs, had energy & felt great (armour thyroid), on right 155-156 lbs with Hypo symptoms)

Why did you you come off Armour? The amount of T3 you are now taking is very small compared to what was in your Armour and this has probably caused your symptoms and weight gain. I'd go back on Armour as you had energy and felt great.
Thanks! I feel
Like I should go back on Armour (Naturthroid). My doc at the VA took me off it. He says I’m “hyper” because of my bloodwork. Which is crazy because I’m having all HYPO SYMPTOMS (weight gain, indigestion, fatigue, loss of hair, dry skin, brittle nails, constipation etc..) I’m thinking about going back on Armour (NP Thyroid). I wonder if I’m “pooling”. It seems that the thyroid meds don’t get into my cells? How can I combat this? How do I heal my adrenals? Thanks for your input!
You haven't given the reference ranges for your results so we can't see where your FT3 and FT4 are within their range, am I right in thinking they're not over range? Your TSH is below range but taking NDT or T3 in any form lowers, even suppresses TSH, it's just what it does and I don't understand how doctors who prescribe NDT and/or T3 don't know this. Just because TSH is below range doesn't mean you are "hyper" or even overmedicated. It's the FT4 and FT3 - the actual hormone levels - that are important, and when on NDT or T3 it's likely that FT4 will be fairly low so it's FT3 that's the most important result and if that's in range then you're not overmedicated.
As for your adrenals, you don't know what it is that needs healing until you've done a test, it's said that the 24 hour cortisol/DHEA saliva test is best.
Hi Pgdrita,
I'm also in the US. I'm giving you lots of detail here, in case something else jumps out.
After reading your post, I have to agree with SeasideSusie. Your T3 supplementation is likely too low.
I was feeling great on my therapy of 130 (2Grains) Naturethroid and 30 T3 Compounded (not Liothyronine) at first. (This was after YEARS of searching, going from Synthroid, to Naturethroid, to Naturethroid plus T3, and switching Doctors) Then came they weight gain and hair loss.
Every single time we increased my t4, I felt good until up went the weight, out fell the hair, and freezing cold EXHAUSTION took over my life!
I am now testing slightly hyper, but finally feeling close to normal.
It isn't where your numbers fall, its how you feel. They simply don't know enough about Thyroid 'norms' to use absolute diagnostics on anyone.
This is what I found out after searching for answers. T3 is what keeps your hair on your head and weight off your body. High cortisol likely represents adrenal issues. Low iron can often be low binding antibodies (I think that's the term), which shows up as low Ferritin. Not just low iron. This can be improved by the addition of B12 and folic acid. Some literature also mentions iodine supplementation for adrenals.
Here is what I'm taking now:
Right when I wake up:
45 mcg Compounded T3 (Slow release Liothyronine)
5 Mg Tab Hydrocortisone (for adrenals)
50 Mydayis for ADHD (some people have pretty strong opinions about this. I could write a novel on how its impacted my life, so save your opinions. I'm living it.)
2 hours later:
2500 B12, (mythelcobalamin) dissolving tab under the tongue.
2-3 hours, before lunch:
30 mcg Compounded T3 (Slow release Liothyronine)
65 mg (1 Grain) Naturethroid
2 of the 5mg Tabs Hydrocortisone (for adrenals)
Before bed:
10000 Liquid D3 (dropper, 5 drops)
8 mg Ionic Iron drops by Trace Minerals.
Allergy tabs (Claritin or similar)
My hair is not falling out. My weight is coming back to my normal. I went from 178lbs freezing my ass off all day, and feeling like utter crap, to168 lbs this am, waking up at 7 am, no alarm, happy. I will not be freezing cold all day.
I am back to exercising daily (22 miles on my road bike yesterday, about 50 miles a week). Living my normal life, I hope to be back to my 155 - 160 soon. I'll be 50 in July.
I take much more T3 than the T4, but this is what works for me.
My blood pressure was 130/82 at last Dr. Appt.
Last blood work had these results:
TSH .02 (low), down from 2.88
T3, Free 8.2 (high), up from 1.2
T3 Reverse 16 ('normal'), down from 21
T4, Free 1.2 (normal range)
Vitamin D 57 (normal range), up from 37
Cortisol 3.7 normal, range 2.0 - 18.0 taken at 10AM not fasting.
Homocysteine 17.4 (now taking B12 to address this. May add Folic Acid depending upon next labs)
Ferritin 22 (low), up from 11 (really low).
Obviously we all have autoimmune issues. Mine manifest in hypothyroidism, ADHD, asthma, severe skin and respiratory allergies, lactose intolerance, usual seasonal crap, complete intolerance to artificial fragrances (athsma, Cystic hives, headaches, etc.)
I don't drink alcohol at all. Don't smoke anything.
Thanks so much!! I really feel like I need to go back on my Naturthroid (Armour). I am losing hair again, gaining weight, tired ALL THE TIME, and have BRAIN FOG!! UGH!