I’m losing the will to live as I’ve managed to draft two posts and deleted them both by accident! 😖
My reason for posting again so soon is my utter confusion over my recent ‘normal’ results.
I went back to the beginning when I first complained to my GP of a fast and erratic heart beat. Coronary issues ruled out he tested my thyroid function and referred me to an endocrinologist.
Aug 17
TSH <0.02 (0.2 - 4.5)
FT4 19 (9 - 24)
Antibodies test (no data sorry) was negative.
Did not test T3.
Sep 17 - saw Endo who gave me a physical exam of my thyroid/throat, explained that he believes it’s Graves despite negative ab result and prescribes carbimazole and propanalol.
He stated that when compared to a previous test done 2 yrs prior my Levels weren’t high enough. I was ignorant enough to leave it at that.
Over the next few months symptoms appeared that were more hypo than hyper and the carbimazole was making me disfunctional. I reduced then stopped.
I was still a bit tachycardic but also was gaining weight (he said it was because I was eating too much! Despite my decreased appetite). I also suffered thinning hair, severe headaches, muscle weakness and cramps, hideous mood swings, irregular menstruation, brain fogs, tinnitus and general flu like symptoms. Nasty
May 18
TSH 0.02 (0.2 - 4.5
FT4 13.5 (9 - 24)
July 18
TSH 0.07 (0.2 - 4.5)
FT4 12.5
Aug 18
TSH 0.24 (0.2 - 4.5)
FT4 12.9 (9 - 24)
Weight gain in 1 month of a stone despite eating less and exercising more. BP increased.
16 Aug 18 Medicheck Thyroid plus Vits
TSH 0.355 (0.27 - 4.20)
FT4 14.7 (12 - 22)
FT3 3.96 (3.10 - 6.80)
Thyroglobulin Antibody <10 (0.00 - 115)
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 19.4 (0.00 - 34)
Active B12 66.6 (25.10 - 165)
Serum Folate 2.29 (2.91 -50)
CRP - High Sensitivity 0.25 (0.00 - 5.00)
Ferritin 57.6 (13 - 150)
My next Endo appt is in a couple of weeks and I don’t know what’s going on. Do I have a thyroid issue? Am I (was I ever hyper)? Should I have stopped carbimazole? My T4and T3 are lower range is that enough to be symptomatic? Am I going mad? What do I need from my Endo? Do the antibody tests just check for Hashimoto’s or have I been tested for Graves too?
I’ve never been tested for vit d and my GP won’t see me until I’ve seen the Endo.
I’m very confused and all of the literature and links I’ve seen confuse me more. I have zero attention span not for the lack of trying).
Can anyone help?