I had a total hysterectomy in 2012, and had been suffering menopausal symptoms at the time (mostly hot flushes, lack of energy and quality of life massively deteriorated) I took HRT up til the Hysterectomy when the gynae oncologist surgeon told me not to take anything with oestrogen in it because it could cause problems with any residual endometrial cells. This seemed like quite a clear message to me so I have struggled on with hot flushes and various other menopausal miseries. I saw my GP again earlier this year when I really wanted her to consider a trial for my slightly unusual TSH, she, of course, dismissed me and suggested I consider oestrogen patches or something. I peeled off and came here and I am 3 months into a trial of whether NDT is appropriate, and that’s still very ‘early days’ I am tempted to see whether some of my symptoms are related to oestrogen deficiency, which I will undoubtedly have. I have read opinions here which link oestrogen to T3 production/ availability/ amounts.
My GP went ahead and contacted the Gynae Oncologist surgeon who did my op and he said that he saw no reason in my notes not to take oestrogen!!!!!! To top it off, my friend has discovered a breast lump which is related to oestrogen which has frightened me! When I read anything about oestrogen on line, it usually confirms my fears and what I think that he was getting at at the time, that oestrogen ‘feeds’ endometrial cells, and I had an endometrial tumour so rampant that it had destroyed my appendix, although it wasn’t cancerous, he did suspect it was, hence the total hysterectomy.
Seeing GP in the morning to explore options. Does anyone have any advice, help, support for me. I suspect I will be told to stabilise my thyroid first, but with this hot weather, it’s so tempting to try to eradicate the hot flushes which I have now had for 8 years with no let up and in fact worsening!
It’s long, sorry, and thank you in advance