So trying to get my ferritin level up because heard that would help the hair loss and thyroid function. Frustrated because ferritin levels going back down and the iron satiuation levels way high?! CORTISOL LEVEL Is still high. 33.5 (4.5-22.7)
3/1/18 ferritin 40.3 (20-234)
2/6/18 ferritin 51.7
12/19/18 ferritin 47.1
10/25/18 ferritin 20.4
3/1/18 Iron (37-170) 187
12/19/18 Iron 70
3/1/18 TIBC (264-497) 323
12/19/18 TIBC 383
3/1/18 Iron Satuation (11%-46%) 58%
12/19/18 Iron satuation 21%
3/1/18 TSH (.47-4.68) 2.20
2/6/18 TSH 2.69
1/8/18 TSH 9.35
12/19/18 TSH 1.89
3/1/18 T4 (.78-2.19) .99
2/6/18 T 4 1.07
1/8/18 T4 1.15
3/1/18 T3 (2.2-4.2) 2.5
2/6/18 T3 2.1
1/8/18 T3 2.3
I am on 50mg Tironsint and 10 mg T3, 5mg in the am and 5mg in the early afternoon. All my vitamens seem normal and take additional zinc and Iron. Last vitamin labs on 12/19/18
B12 661 (239-931)
Folic acid 20 (7-30)
Zinc 72 (60-120)
D3 was mid range
Any ideas of suggestions as to how to get my ferritin levels high without the iron and iron satuation way over? Heard ferritin needs to be over 70 for hair growth and between 90 and 120 for optimal thyroid function. Should I increase the tironaint or T3 and keep on the double dose of iron supplements? Thank you for any response, I tried to include everythin for a complete picture Doctors say it is all normal!