I’ve had a search through this forum and found a few posts regarding links between breast and thyroid issues.
I take 75mcg T3 and 75mcg T4. You may remember my last blood tests (posted here late last year) which made my GP cross, as they showed I’d gone and self-medicated with T3 - despite him saying I was within range and so he wouldn’t give me any. Needless to say, in the 6+ months I’ve been taking it T3’s changed my life. I couldn’t thank you ladies more!
The latest news is that I had a mammogram and ultrasound at the Breast Clinic this week, which thankfully confirmed I’m cancer-free. I have no cysts to speak of, but I am suffering from extreme pain, starting within my breasts, travelling across my chest, as well as down from underneath my armpits to my elbows and up and over my shoulders to my neck and shoulderblades.
I was given a diagnosis of Mastalgia/ non-cyclical breast Pain (so it’s constant and has nothing to do with my monthly cycle). This is essentially untreatable, bar taking Evening Primrose Oil and ultimately maybe even a course of Tamoxifen.
So I now have a debilitating breast condition that the Consultant said is not easily resolved, and often so painful that he’s had women in my situation begging him for mastectomies - even though they’re cancer-free.
Anyway, all in perspective (which is why I think he gave me the good and bad news on the same sentence!), but still, it’s clearly another condition I’m on my own in treating. Hopefully with a little help from you knowledgeable folks!
I have been massaging topically with various oils, am upping my oral fish/ Evening Primrose/ Flaxseed/ MCT oils to get my GLA and other levels up as recommended by the breast clinic.
I read on this forum that iodine supplements might help breast issues with links to the thyroid, but I thought iodine shouldn’t be taken together with Levothyroxine or Liothyronine? I also can’t currently afford a blood test to ascertain my iodine levels.
I also read someone mention here that too much oestrogen could also be a contributing factor to breast pain. So what about applying topical progesterone cream? We only have weak stuff here in the U.K. but it’s a start and I’m desperate. Apart from anything else I’m a yoga teacher, so I need to be able to move my upper body or I’ll be out of a job!
Please advise on what supplements/ treatments I could take considering my thyroid medication.
Many thanks,
PS: I’m 41 so am nearing the perimenopause. I expect this is linked to my mastalgia since apparently the most common ages for breast pain occurrences lie between 40 and 50 years old.