Hi, Hashimotis sufferer here. I’m currently on 2.5 grains of NDT, slowly upped from 50mg of thyroxine since going to a private thyroid clinic. My symptoms of cold and tiredness have completely resolved but my digestive issues remain.
I’m being treated at the moment for these digestive issues that I’ve been suffering from for over 4 years, reflux, burning stomach, epigastric pain, constipation. I have done a gi map stool test and an organic acid oat test and it’s came back that I’m oxalate dumping and I also have some nasty overgrowths (major dysbiosis) The practitioner that’s helping me has got me on biofilm disrupters, antimicrobials and has cut out most of the carbs from my diet. My question is that one of the supplements he has me taking is a multi vitamin that contains 150mcg of iodine. I’ve to take this for 3 months and though I don’t know much about this I’ve read on here and many other places that iodine is bad for those suffering from thyroid disease.
What do youse think. Should I bin the supplement or is it ok for the short term?