Hi, just wondering if anyone has experience or advice on taking vitamin supplements when trying to conceive with autoimmune Hypothyroidism? I noticed that a lot of the pregnancy/conception multivitamin supplements on the market contain a good range of vitamins recommended for conception (folic acid, iron, selenium, vit D, B12 etc) but all also have iodine in them. Which leaves me wondering if they would ultimately be bad for me given my thyroid condition. Would I just be better off to take folic acid and not risk a multivitamin? I'd rather get the benefits of a multivitamin ideally but am just concerned about actively taking iodine. Thanks for any guidance!
Supplements when trying to conceive with autoim... - Thyroid UK
Supplements when trying to conceive with autoimmune Hypothyroidism - iodine concern

If you take a multi-vitamin with iron, all you're going to absorb is the iron. Because iron blocks absorption of most other things. And, if it also contains calcium, you won't absorb the iron, either, because iron and calcium bind together.
Any sort of multi is always going to be a bad idea, no matter what it's supposed to do for you, it isnt going to do it whether you have Hashi's or not. So very many things wrong with them - like folic acid for a start! You don't want that, you want methylfolate, much better absorbed. And along with that you need a full B complex because all the Bs work together and need to be kept balanced.
Taking supplements is quite a complicated thing, but to make it simpler you need to get your basic key nutrients tested - vit D, vit b12, folate and ferritin - and just take what you need. Never take things you don't need, just because it's in a pill - like iodine. More is never better and the only things that are going to be of any benefit are the things you need.
Sadly not, my GP said that as long as my thyroid function results are all in range and no issues, I won't get referred to an endocrinologist. The GP surgery does more frequent blood tests, adjusts your levothyroxine dose and I'd be monitored during pregnancy as far as I know. Sadly I don't think there is resource to refer everyone to an endocrinologist and I can't pay for one privately. Thanks for a good news story, sometimes it all feels a bit doom and gloom when looking into trying to conceive. I know I don't have a great chance due to other health conditions hence trying to maximise my health as best I can.