Could someone tell me why thyroid medication is causing me hair loss?
I know it is the medication as, despite having an underactive thyroid most of my life, I have never had any problems with hair loss until I started on medication.
I was on T3 only - and had no hair loss problems on this. But it started causing other problems and I am now on levothyroxine and am losing hair fast. I had a similar experience when I tried armour thyroid.
So far it has not been too noticeable for others as I had more hair than most people to start with and I have been losing it all over my head. But this morning I woke up and one side of my hair line is noticeably lacking hair now, looks very odd and I am very worried. I can't afford to lose any more.
I am meant to be taking T4 and T3 but felt very unwell on both and so have been trialing T4 on its own recently. I wonder if adding the T3 back in could help?
I am reluctant as I felt rather 'toxic' when taking T4 and T3 and was experiencing hair loss even then, just maybe not as fast.
It seems to me that it is the T4 that is causing the hair loss. Why would this be? What can I do?
Any help, very gratefully received.