Hi all I am seeing new endro who is known to prescribe T3 in a few weeks. Hoping he will prescribe T3 Liothyronine or NDT I understand it is difficult to get certain brands and that some such as Armour are very expensive. Does anyone have any advice as to which brands might be good to mention to the endro. I have heard of many Armour Thyroid S Tiromel Cytomel and many others. Confusing! Also what is the ratio of T3 to T4 Thanks Maggi
Which T3 and Which NDT: Hi all I am seeing new... - Thyroid UK
Which T3 and Which NDT

Are you in the UK and have you researched the Endocrinologist at all, i.e. does he prescribe NDT or T3, as not many will do so and it has been wasted time and money if it was a private consultation. If you are in the UK, I believe to source T3 is about £800 per month (this isn't accurate cost but it is around that).
T3 can come in 25mcg or 20mcg and approx for 25mcg of T3, is around 100mcg of T4 and 20mccg around 60mcg.
Yes I am in the UK I am lucky enough to have a great GP who has referred me on the NHS to one of the endros on the list which I was given by someone on this site who are known to prescribe NDT T3 Also I understand that if the endro prescribes certain brands the pharmacy can get it from abroad thus avoiding the ludicrous charge our ridiculous powers that be have embroiled themselves and us in! Someone please correct me if I have got that wrong.
Thanks very much for the ratios of T3 and T4
I'm afraid that if you're hoping to get it on the NHS, you'll have to take what your given. I don't think they mess around asking you for your preferences. Besides, just because one brand suits me, there's no guarantee it'll suit you, and vice versa. It's all trial and error to find the one that makes us well. There is no one best brand that suits everyone.
Thanks Greygoose. To be honest I would be happy to take what I am given or to find the money pay for it. I am weary of doing battle with doctors who do not listen and have blighted my life as recently as last week's battle with a big shot consultant who was so useless it was pointless even bothering to attempt to put my point of view. Waste of breath! . I want to see an endo who knows what they are talking about regarding thyroid and for issues due to having no womb and ovaries and various other things. I just remember people saying on here that some were cheaper and therefore more likely to be prescribed in case he does say he wants to prescribe T3 or NDT.
Ah, ok. Well, as far as I know, all T3 is rediculously over-priced in the UK, but he could write a prescription for German or French T3, which your pharmacy could procure far more cheaply. Not quite sure how that works, though.
Armour is the most expensive NDT. The cheapest ones come from Thailand. Thiroyd, Thiroid S. But I don't know if it's possible to get a prescription for those.
Hello Greygoose you mentioned about GPs prescribing French or German T3. Do you know if this has to be written on the prescription or is it something the patient discusses with the pharmacy?
Have you heard any successes with this?
Also can you source T3 direct from France or Germany like you can from Thailand or Turkey or does it have to be through a prescription?
Thank you
As I said above, I don't know how it works. But a lot of people on here talk about it - mainly through a Germany pharmacy, though. I think you'd need to post a new question and ask about it so that those that know can respond.
But, one thing is certain, T3 is prescription only in France and Germany, so no, you can't source it on-line the way you can from Turkey.
Maggimay In terms of NDTs, regarding the ratio of T4:T3, 1 grain contains 38 mcg T4 and 9 mcg T3.
If you are lucky enough to have an Endo or GP willing to prescribe you either T3 or an NDT on an NHS prescription, you needn't be concerned about the cost, or alternative sources (other than perhaps on principle but that's another thing entirely). Sourcing/specifying cheaper European T3 is only necessary if you're having to negotiate with, and persuade your reluctant GP or CCG that it's possible to prescribe you T3 without breaking the bank. The cost debacle currently being investigated relates to T3 and not NDT. You need to be prepared though, that on occasions in the current climate, Endos are willing to recommend that the GP prescribes T3 but the GP and/or the CCG nevertheless countermands the recommendation. It may not happen in your case, but you need to be prepared that it might.

Thanks No More T3 My GP is great but the CCG not so much. Have already had a massive battle with them about another prescription. Consultant Pharmacist GP and MP all trying to get them to see reason. Eventually I got the treatment. Sad thing is many are still fighting and it like T3 is a treatment that changes lives and although too expensive due to NHS incompetence would still cost the NHS less in many ways than not having it.

There are three brands of T3 available on NHS
An NHS prescription will not specify which brand you get. You want to stick to same one each time. Trial and error what suits you best.
Morningside Healthcare generally seems stronger. Some prefer it (including myself)
Mercury Pharma was the only one available until recently. Many of us complain it has very short use by date, but some prefer
Teva is only lactose free one.
They are all 20mcg and all same or very similar cost to NHS of approx £9 per tablet!
Oh thanks SlowDragon. That is a massive help to me.