Thoughts on the underlying causes of Thyroid di... - Thyroid UK

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Thoughts on the underlying causes of Thyroid disease

Slowfarmer profile image
30 Replies

I have had hypothyroidism only since having a major operation which triggered the illness. I later discovered I actually had Lyme disease and did not need the op in the first place. I privately funded Lyme treatment at great cost and involving several courses of IV antibiotics after which I felt totally well. Unfortunately this did not last and the symptoms returned. The Lyme doctor discovered I had elevated thyroid antibodies but thought treatment for Lyme would correct this. After more than a year on antibiotics followed by herbal antibiotics I was still unwell. My GP begrudgingly started me on T4 50mg with very slight improvements. One of the symptoms I have had is floaters in my eyes and I long wondered what these were. I can focus on them against the light and they appear like wiggly tube like structures with cell like blobs and intermittent circles of small black dots. Having done my research I now believe these to be fungal in nature. This is interesting because one of the antibiotics which helped the most was metronidazole and we all know azoles are antifungals. I can no longer afford the Lyme treatment but from time to time get my hands on Metronidazole and after taking it my Thyroid symptoms improve dramatically and I feel normal again. This is interesting because the latest research regarding Parkinson's disease implicates systemic fungal infection see articles in the New Scientist. The symptoms of all these diseases Lyme, Parkinson's and Hashimotos are not that different maybe only in severity (the toxins produced by fungi have very potent neurotoxicity and in fact are used in chemical warfare!) Many Lyme sufferers develop Hashimotos. I personally believe that all autoimmune disease is actually caused by infection even if the pathogenic causes are still unknown. Lyme disease in known to have a cystic form which evades antibiotic treatment and hides in cells only to reappear at a later date. It is also thought that Epstien Barr virus may lodge in the cells of the Thyroid and trigger the body to attack itself thus causing Thyroid disease. Since no doctors test for any of these pathogens or in the case of Lyme the NHS test is useless they are unlikely to find the connections.

Sorry for this ramble but getting to the point I wondered if anyone else has found their symptoms improve with antibiotic/antifungal treatments and do any of you have the floaters I describe in you eyes.

I have also started doing the Paleo/Keto diet and have had marked improvement in some symptoms especially joint pains and rheumatic finger joints and also slightly improved quality of sleep. Its early days but I am hoping my Hashimotos data may improve.

I would appreciate any of your thoughts.

Here's hoping we will all feel better soon!

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Slowfarmer profile image
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30 Replies
cwill profile image

Hello I have a mould issue and Lyme strongly suspected together with hashis. I also had floaters but only appeared when very ill after bites. Mine have almost disappeared with parasite cleanses that I imagine you are very familiar with, together with lots of liver work. I also feel way better on binders. Antifungals had no very significant effect on me.

Slowfarmer profile image
Slowfarmer in reply tocwill

I would like more details of your parasite cleanses liver work and binders? do you mean colestyramine? only available on prescription.

cwill profile image
cwill in reply toSlowfarmer

I can’t get colestyramine as you say, and not sure that I want to take it anyway. I use charcoal, glutamine, and clove, black chestnut and wormwood. About to start with another practitioner so this may change but everything has helped so far. It’s all about peeling back the layers.

Slowfarmer profile image
Slowfarmer in reply tocwill

Thanks for sharing treatments, I take Artemisia or wormwood and grapefruit seed extract also have tried lots of other herbals cryptolepis, Sida and Andrographis to name but a few but I am still symptomatic and always desperate to hear what works for others.

marigold22 profile image

Thanks - I've just realised my large floater in my left eye has gone! I have had hashimotos for 36 years, although now appear to be cured. Also I knew I had bad fungal infection back in the 1990s and did my best to rid myself of it on my own..... cutting out bread, dairy, and taking grapefruit seed extract. That certainly improved my fungal infection but it possibly didn't clear completely as I noticed my toe nails were bad with fungal until recently. I've undergone a complete and magical transformation beginning in September 2017, and by November 2017 I have been a completely and utterly different person. Now that my brain is working at 100% full pace, I'm beginning to wonder what exactly it was that has made this amazing transformation in me. I changed my diet, cutting all grains, adding healthy cholesterol, cutting a lot of sugar but not all; which I didn't know until now is in fact the Paleo / Keto Diet. Also being careful to take my supplements (vits and minerals) on a regular basis (high dose vit C, vit D, good Multi B's, zinc, selenium & magnesium).

Scazzoh profile image
Scazzoh in reply tomarigold22

Nice to hear something is working, whatever it is!

marigold22 profile image
marigold22 in reply toScazzoh

I saw a homeopath in late August 2017, he changed my diet to The Paleo Diet; I have been taking my supplements regularly - vitamins C, D and Multi B; also zinc, magnesium & selenium. I personally think it's the changed diet that has turned me around magically. I'm still learning - only the other day I learnt that cholesterol is needed by our bodies as it's a building block. The paleo diet includes cholesterol. Until October 2017 I still had horrendous mental health symptoms despite my thyroid meds appearing to be correct. All this government malarky about Low Fat Diet or we get heart disease is a whole load of utter tosh. Can send you a copy of my Word Doc on how I eat if you like. But it's basically the Paleo Diet. Good luck

Slowfarmer profile image
Slowfarmer in reply tomarigold22

So glad to hear you are finally better!

Marz profile image

Are you happy with your B12 levels ? - floaters had me thinking in that direction. I once had a snake slithering through my eye - it was in fact a bleed close to the optic nerve. This was before I started self injecting B12 ....

greygoose profile image

I've had the type of floaters you mention - as well as many other types! I really don't think they have anything to do with mould. There are many videos on YouTube about floaters, explaining how they happen, this is just one of them :

Scazzoh profile image

Interesting post. I have those 'floaters' in my eyes and have had them for years, but have never associated them with a fungus. I have Hashi's and also test positive for EBV. I have never gone down the 'antibiotic route'.

marigold22 profile image

I hope the paleo diet helps you as much as it's helped me. If only I have known that cholesterol was vital for the function of so many parts of our body, particularly the brain it seems. I was a different person after about 6 weeks. Good luck

humanbean profile image

I have lots of persistent health problems as well as hypothyroidism. More than anything I would love to get rid of the chronic pain I suffer from. I know how to do it, because it happened accidentally once when I was treated for a streptococcus infection. I was given an antibiotic called erythromycin. Practically overnight the chronic pain I'd suffered from for years almost disappeared. Various other health problems either disappeared or were greatly reduced in severity.

I told my doctor about the effect and persuaded her to prescribe more for a short time, and have had a couple of prescriptions at wide intervals since then.

My biggest problem is that the doctor persists in prescribing the minimum possible dose for an active infection. So as soon as I finish my antibiotics my problem comes back.

The last time I got a prescription she prescribed for 28 days. After about 6 days of treatment with no obvious effect I doubled up the dose, obviously knowing that they wouldn't last very long. But the effect was immediate - I felt so much better in so many ways. The beneficial effect actually lasted for several weeks that time after I ran out of the prescribed meds following the last prescription.

I would like to take a dose of, say, 3 times the minimum dose for 2 - 3 months, to see if the benefit will become permanent, but I know I'll never get it prescribed. I have considered buying antibiotics online, but am very wary because I've read that antibiotics are one of the most commonly faked prescription medicines. Another possibility is that they aren't exactly fake, but the real capsules are divided into 2 or 4 or 8 or whatever and are sold as if they are full strength.

Slowfarmer profile image
Slowfarmer in reply tohumanbean

This is endemic with GP's refusing to treat infections properly, in fact doctors are actually increasing resistance by their actions, not treating in large enough doses and for a short time leaves persisters, the best way to prevent resistance although more expensive, is to use two antibiotics together, this is well known.

Their dosing regimes are actually about saving money not treating people correctly. It is government nudging to prevent us asking for antibiotics and prevent GP's prescribing when they are really needed. There has been a massive increase in people dying of sepsis due to this policy.

Regarding your worry about buying online, I have bought antibiotics abroad and found them to work. I would also like to know if the rest of the world have antibiotics freely available how our government is preventing resistance!

The symptoms you are describing sound very like Lyme and the co infections that accompany it. I have found relief from two strategies which don't require a doctor or prescription. Firstly the paleo/keto diet (see Dr Sarah Myhill's website and book) is very good for joint and muscle pain and secondly there is an over the counter drug called Guaifenesin (its very safe included in most cold and cough mixtures and you can buy it in a pill form from USA) It is derived from a herb Guaiacum used for treating inflammatory rheumatism and also in the 16th century for syphilis. This is interesting because Syphilis is caused by a spirochete very similar to the Borrelia spirochete that causes Lyme. For dosing etc if you are interested in using this treatment refer to the book "What your doctor may not tell you about Fibromyalgia" by R Paul St Amand MD.

Best wishes and I do hope you find some relief!

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply toSlowfarmer

I agree that the antibiotic dosing regimes used by doctors don't make a lot of sense. I've seen articles recently saying that we shouldn't even have to "complete the course", if we are feeling better during a course of antibiotics :

I don't understand the logic at all.

My mother developed sepsis after struggling for months with cellulitis. She would be given a short course of antibiotics, the problem would reduce but not clear up, then a few weeks went past and she would need more antibiotics, and this sequence of events was repeated several times over several months. The sepsis very nearly killed her (as it has a habit of doing), and she was in hospital for weeks. She was never the same again after the sepsis, either physically or mentally.

I doubt my problems are Lyme related to be honest. My issues all stem from surgeries I've had over the years, starting with one that should have been done weeks earlier than it was due to a total failure of doctors to diagnose my problem promptly. I had developed a massive infection by the time I was finally treated. I've never really felt well since that surgery.

Slowfarmer profile image
Slowfarmer in reply tohumanbean

They could well be fungal, I have these problems since surgery check out Dr Neil Nathan in California and online also scientific paper by Robert Navrioux very enlightening!

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply toSlowfarmer

Could you post links for me? It would be very helpful.

Slowfarmer profile image
Slowfarmer in reply tohumanbean

See episode 19 on or look on Neil Nathans website. See also posts by janeb15 she is brilliant.

marigold22 profile image
marigold22 in reply toSlowfarmer

humanbean I agree with Slowfarmer . The Paleo Diet has cleared the arthritic pain in my hands. I started the Paleo on the advice of a nutritionist for other reasons , ie to rid myself of depression, agoraphobia, and other mental health type symptoms

Coastwalker profile image
Coastwalker in reply tohumanbean

I just had google thought HB and googled natural antibiotics. First up on google came the title '5 Powerful Natural Antibiotics that don't require a prescription.' - Garlic, Colloidal Silver, Oil of Oregano, Echinacea and Manuka Honey. No doubt there are more.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply toCoastwalker

Thanks, I'll do some reading up on them. :) I have taken garlic before, but unfortunately it causes my chronic pain to get worse. I haven't tried the others, so I'll investigate.

janeb15 profile image

Hello, Your story sounds so familiar to me. I have sent you a private message about Lyme Disease and associated chronic infections like Mycotoxin Illness, chronic viruses, chronic candida and gut bacteria infections which can and do often lead to mast cell problems as well which blur the picture further. These can often become an extremely complex set of infections to unravel. My daughter has had diagnoses and treatment in the USA after 20+ years of misdiagnoses and mistreatment in the UK and Belgium, and is gradually improving. Thyroid illness can often be the tip of a huge illness iceberg. Jane x

Slowfarmer profile image
Slowfarmer in reply tojaneb15

Dear Jane, I have listened to the mould podcast by Dr Nathan and I am utterly appalled. I always thought my issues were fungal. The testing I had done 4 years ago was from Realtime labs showing tricothescene toxins specialists and GP's totally ignored this and tried to tell me the lab was unreliable untrustworthy and I didn't know what I was talking about. I found the lab online and from my own research but my GP refused to sign the paperwork although I was paying for it and I instead signed it on his behalf in order to get the tests done! I shall be ringing the clinic in California first thing on Monday. Did you get treatment fairly easily through them or did you have to go to California?

Best wishes and so many thanks Liz ()aka slow farmer

janeb15 profile image
janeb15 in reply toSlowfarmer

Hi Liz, There is a HUGE problem in the UK as nobody believes that Mycotoxin Illness exists! When we first came back from California having seen my daughter's doctor there I contacted many doctors and specialists here, as well as the Aspergillosis Society, Public Health England and thyroid groups. I had very negative responses from all of them, and I have to say I was appalled and I still am. There is clear evidence in the USA that Mycotoxin Illness exists and can cause serious problems, and even death! There is a lot of research being carried out in the USA, and NONE here , and yet PHE's response to my communication with them was that it doesn't exist here. Of course it does!! My daughter's RealTime test showed she had massive levels of Aflatoxins, Ochratoxins and in particular Tricothecenes. Her levels have been considerably reduced now thanks to her life saving doctor and the use of the binders he recommended to remove the toxins. When she first saw him she was EXTREMELY ill because of the negligence she'd experienced from thyroid doctors here, both NHS and private, and yet as you say NOBODY here seems to care. Basically her USA doctor SAVED HER LIFE!!! I could go on explain further about the chronic illnesses so often associated with Mycotoxin Illness like Lyme Disease, chronic candida infections, Chronic viral infections and MCAS that affected my daughter and so many other British people whom we have now met through her doctor in the USA. It makes my blood boil that it's now nearly 5 years since I first informed those in this country who are in a position to inform and help so many others many of whom are misdiagnosed with thyroid illness and STILL they can't be bothered to do some simple research!! Frankly it's a disgrace, and is demonstrated yet again by people like yourself who are desperate for help and getting none. I have been contacted by countless people through this group who are also in a similar situation to yourself and my daughter. I am just so relieved that I still have my amazing daughter, unlike my husband whose death was described by the coroner as "inexplicable" He had the same set of symptoms as my daugher and died "without explanation"! How many more have also died? Certainly they both had thyroid problems, but it is now a well known fact that Mycotoxin Illness and Lyme Disease can cause thyroid problems which confuse ignorant doctors! I will send you information about where her doctor now works (he has moved) and also give you my phone number in case you want to discuss things further. The good news is that my daughter is now recovering and with the correct diagnoses and treatment the same can be the case for you. Jane x

marigold22 profile image
marigold22 in reply tojaneb15

janeb15 I'm not sure if you have lived in the USA, are still living in the USA, are now living in UK? However, why am I not in the least surprised at your statement "There is a HUGE problem in the UK". I have found your reply to Slowfarmer incredibly informative. I have been reading/researching Hypothyroidism and Hashimotos for many years but have never come across Mycotoxin. I too am beginning to wonder if auto immune diseases are deeper than we all realise. The UK is miles behind many other countries, and will remain there now as the NHS is nearly bankrupt. If the Health Minister, Jeremy Hunt, can not give one fig about withdrawing Liothyronine (T3) then there truly is no hope in this country now. The only way now is what our government want, for us to pay privately to recover our health. Good luck

janeb15 profile image
janeb15 in reply tomarigold22

Hi Marigold, We were told for many years that thyroid "experts" didn't know the causes of thyroid illnesses, and in all probability there are more than one. However, research has shown that inflammation can be one of those causes. This inflammation can be caused by a number of infectious agents including Lyme Disease and Mycotoxins. Sadly it is those same "experts" who advise both patients and the government and are delaying helping those very people whom they claim to be helping. It is shameful. Thankfully in countries like the USA and Germany the patients' voices are being heard and help can be obtained. Jane x

marigold22 profile image
marigold22 in reply tojaneb15

janeb15 The word "Inflammation" is being spoken over and over recently. Every video I've watched and article I have read on new health research talks about inflammation.

Have you come across the amazing Dr John Bergman, US functional medicine doctor? For anyone who hasn't heard about him, he was a single dad, got hit by a vehicle, told he would at least never walk again, sheer determination got him to be a chiropractor, now Functional Medicine. This is link to his video talking about Thyroid & Adrenals. It's a long watch, but worth every single minute.

janeb15 profile image
janeb15 in reply tomarigold22

Thank you. I'm convinced that keeping an open mind and checking out all new information is the key to good health. Jane x

Coastwalker profile image

Interesting talk - Healing with Doctor Jennifer Daniels-Lyme Disease: Plague or Hoax 01/21 by Rainbow Soul Health Podcasts.

marigold22 profile image
marigold22 in reply toCoastwalker

Coastwalker Unfortunately, the page you have given the link for seems to have gone.

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