Lyme Disease bacteria is just one of the pathog... - Thyroid UK

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Lyme Disease bacteria is just one of the pathogens that could be causing your thyroid dysfunction

janeb15 profile image
14 Replies

Check out these symptoms of undiagnosed Lyme Disease. Do they look familiar?

The Lyme Disease bacteria and associated co-infections are just a few of the pathogens that can contribute to thyroid problems. Chronic viruses (HHV6, cytomegalovirus, EBV for example) , and the mycotoxins aflatoxin, ochratoxin and tricothecenes can also cause thyroid problems.

These pathogens should not be ignored if you are still having thyroid and other endocrine problems.

If you are still frustrated by not being able to get over your endocrine problems as my daughter was for over 20 years I'd be more than happy to send you some links to a wealth of information if you PM me. Fortunately we now know which pathogens contributed to my daughter's endocrine problems, and I'll gladly share the information I have with anyone who is interested.

Jane x

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14 Replies
gabkad profile image

What I don't understand about all this Lyme disease business is how is it that so many people have been bitten by ticks.

What are people doing or not doing that they manage to get ticks on them?

I know someone who got Rocky Mountain spotted fever from sleeping with a puppy that had ticks. So it's not just Lyme Disease. And she got Guillain Barre from this as well, permanent neurological damage. Devastating.

Keep the dogs out of the beds and keep them off the sofas. Who knows what they bring back home.

When I lived in Trinidad, the dogs were not allowed in the house. They'd sneak in anyway and big fat blood filled ticks would climb up the kitchen wall to 'chill'. Small ones would crawl around looking for a meal. The dogs were routinely powdered for the ticks but the cat never had ticks. There's a plus for cats! Back in those days, we didn't know anything about Lyme disease.

in reply to gabkad

gabkad - the UK has a fairly sizeable deer population. For example in a particular area in high density Southern England (not saying where) the cull rate was 50%. At one time landowners were tax incentivised for planting massive conifer plantations especially in Scotland.

We now have large plantations in Wales too where mountain bike trail centres have been developed. These are extremely popular and bring associated employment opportunities which is very welcome for the local economy.

For some time now there has been an explosion in the number of muntjac deer. These are different in that they breed all year round and, following a 7 month gestation, they are able to conceive within a day or two of giving birth.

Despite loss of habitat, deer can be very adaptable and survive cheek by jowl with human beings in built up areas. I've regularly seen herds of 40 strong when out and about on my mountain bike in Southern England.

More and more people visit the countryside although many don't stray far from the car park. Perhaps just far enough to play hide and seek in the ferns where the ticks are lying in wait.

As regards dogs, what can I say except the British treat dogs as another family member, let them lie on the sofa and go in bedrooms. Something that I never allowed, it's unhygienic.

gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply to

It would be interesting to do a survey of people who have been diagnosed with Lyme disease if they have dogs. I think it doesn't matter if the dogs are allowed in the house whether they get up on the furniture or sleep in bed with their owner. My dogs were never on the furniture and did not venture past the kitchen, but the ticks certainly did.

I don't know if those ticks were sensitive or not, but every night I sprayed the bedroom with Baygon. Not for ticks but for mosquitoes since one episode of malaria was enough, thanks. Maybe it killed the ticks too if any of them managed to venture so far from the kitchen. Maybe 70 feet.

My daughter and her husband have a German Shepherd. I think he's had some sort of vaccination or shot that inhibits fleas and ticks. Otherwise, she'd be totally in trouble since this gigantic, idiot dog sleeps in their bed with them. Half the time the dog is staying at a farm.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to gabkad

It's not the dog that is the idiot!

gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply to Treepie

You haven't met the dog.

spongecat profile image

There are always tick warnings where I live (in the South, probably the same area that cinnamon girl is referring to ).

When I'm out walking in the wilds at certain times of the year I always wear long trousers tucked into socks and gaiters on top and spray the lot with Jungle Formula, yes, even in the hot days of summer!

I see plenty of tourists wading through the bracken wearing shorts despite the car parks having warning signs. I hope they thoroughly examine themselves after their walks. :(

Framboise profile image

An interesting article, thank you for posting it. I agree about the pathogens and have been treated for the lingering effects of EBV by a herbalist who was convinced that was the cause of my thyroid symptoms. Within a short while I felt very much better with almost normal energy, but I've only been able to lower my NDT by about a third since then.

Lyme/Borrelia is so difficult though. I'm in the South East too and over the last 28 years have lived in two houses next to woodland and gradually had more and more deer appearing in the gardens. We also have hedgehogs, which often have ticks and which a neighbour removes. Probably ticks are something we've always had but didn't realise, however the deer are something else! Originally there were two herds on local estates, some of them roamed and now there are several very large herds living wild. They're beautiful creatures, but they destroy gardens and are a real menace on the local roads.

I've only seen notices about covering up out walking in the last few years and until then never thought about it. I grew up in countryside, we ran around and played in fields and woodland in normal summer clothes and so did my children, however I did check for bites etc so would have found a tick on any of us. I don't remember so many unidentified health issues years ago, and agree that it's not all explained by the explosion in the deer population, but it does now seem necessary to be much more careful even just going out into the garden!

At a recent dinner I was served what I considered raw deer :( but what everyone else said was delicious rare venison. I couldn't eat it, it looked awful, and I did wonder how many bugs could be transferred by such meat. I wonder if that is ever considered.

The main problem is the lack of a definitive test for Borrelia in all its stages. I've heard that even the few labs considered reliable seldom find any negatives among the people they test - that's as useless as a lab which seldom finds any positives, because you end up not knowing what to believe. I was considering one in Germany, but thanks to a post on here I discovered there had been a difference of opinion over validation of one of the tests and the consequent establishing of a second, similar, lab! Yet again, I've heard they seldom find a negative. What is one to do!

in reply to Framboise

Framboise - very envious of you having so many deer close to your home! What a distraction they would be especially at dawn and dusk.

Interested in your last paragraph where you commented on testing and reliability of labs including Germany. Don't suppose you have a link to the post you've referred to, or the member. PM if appropriate, thank you.

It is very confusing!

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to

You can have the deer. They are nice to see but not often seen so you do not realise how many there are.They cause over 700 car accidents a year and some are recommending introducing Lynx to provide a natura predator. They are also eating there way through the undergrowth and thought to be one reason for the reduction in nightingales and some other birds as they eat their habitat.

Of course idiot urban bunny hungers hate the idea of culls. Which is why the RSPB tells members it "manages" deer rather than culls them!

Framboise profile image
Framboise in reply to

Well cinnamon the deer are beautiful and graceful but they also eat a lot of the plants and are getting dangerous on the roads. A couple of weeks ago in the half gloom of late afternoon I was driving along a busy A road when a young stag jumped over a hedge from a field on my left and ran along beside me, then in front of me and eventually across to the field on the other side, and he was difficult to see so the people behind me thought I was just being erratic! I've never seen a stag so close before and he was lovely but only out looking for a female of course.

I'll send you a PM about the rest because it's all hearsay and posts I've found on the Phoenix Rising forum which may not be correct ;)

Neeta-K profile image

I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, which is actually a biofilm infection not picked up on standard urine tests, I'm noticing other women with 'IC' have been diagnosed with Lyme and once on antibiotics their 'IC' gets better, which confirms its an infection.

I was thinking of getting tested for Lyme, but I'm on long term antibiotics for the cystitis. I don't know if I have Lyme or coinfections or both. Maybe parasites too?

dtate2016 profile image
dtate2016 in reply to Neeta-K

My husband suffered from interstitial cystitis for many years finally he himself StumbleUpon a cure . He was a great consumer of chocolate milk and donuts. He also has hemachromatosis. When he eliminated the chocolate milk and donuts and other massive amounts of sugar the intestitial cystitis was cured within 30- 40 days. Totally off of medicine now. that was over five years ago - of course he will never be cured of the hemachromatosis but one of his doctors pointed to the sugar early on, (blood sugar tests ran consistently high) even though he didn’t know about my husbands bad dietary habits. We have since learned that hemachromatosis affects every organ in the body including the pancreas. So my husband started out with the handicap of hemachromatosis and the pancreas simply could not handle the extra sugar which was all dumped into the bladder which likewise could not handle the load. he still indulges chocolate milk from time to time and every time the bladder let’s him know about it.

Slowfarmer profile image

Please can you tell us how your daughter was treated and where and by whom. I have hit a lot of brick walls and spent an awful lot of money but I still have symptoms.

janeb15 profile image
janeb15 in reply to Slowfarmer

Hello, I've sent you a private message. Jane x

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