I am a 54 year old male and have been suffering from tiredness, dizziness, anxiety, brain fog and generally feeling awful for 3+ years.
In early 2015 i saw an Endo privately. He diagnosed borderline secondary hypothyroidism and low VitD, results below.
Vit D 50 (>75)
TSH 1.9 (0.3-5.0)
T4 11.8 (8.8-18.8)
T3 4 (3.1-6.8)
Antibodies were negative.
As a result i have been taking Vit D and thyroxine 150mcg since then and my recent bloods with the endo as are follows
Vit D 100 (>75)
TSH 0.6 (0.3-5.0)
T4 18 (8.8-18.8)
T3 3.3 (3.1-6.8)
So my Vit D is now ok and my T4 is in fact too high. My regular GP saw these results and said i was taking too much Thyroxine, but when i asked the Endo he said this was rubbish and that my secondary hypothyroidism was caused by "pituitary TSH insufficiency", meaning that i dont produce enough TSH so the low reading is irrelevant.
He also suggested that i may not be converting T4 into T3 and has suggested a trial of 5mcg twice a day which i have yet to start.
I decided, upon advice in this forum, to get some additional tests from Blue Horizon to check Vit B etc these came back as follows
Vit B 686 (197-771)
Folate 8.7 (>2.9)
Ferritin 189 (30-400)
CRP 0.9 (<5.0)
From my understanding these look fine.
HOWEVER the thyroid results from Blue Horizon and their advice is confusing me.
TSH .09 (0.27-4.2)
T4 23.9 (12-22)
T3 5.0 (3.1-6.8)
So according to them my T3 looks pretty much ok unlike the suggestion or results from the Endo. They go on to say
"This is a hyperthyroid result (overactive thyroid gland). The high Free T4 and low thyroid stimulating hormone level, are indicative. You may have symptoms – including weight loss, rapid heart rate, sweating and anxiety, amongst others. If you are already taking thyroxine medication, you could be taking too much and downward dose adjustment may be in order. I advise you to contact your usual doctor to discuss these thyroid function test results." This sounds to me that, the same as my GP, they dont fully understand the complexity of Thyroid issues so is probably worth ignoring.
I should also mention that i have positive IgC serology against Epstein Barr virus which could well indicate post-viral fatigue syndrome and make all of the thyroid investigations/treatment pointless.
Im pretty much at the end of my tether and once again hoping that some of the highly informed and generous members of the group my be willing to offer me some feedback?