Doctor suggesting less Thyroxine: NHS Blood test... - Thyroid UK

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Doctor suggesting less Thyroxine

Rolbo profile image
9 Replies

NHS Blood test 1) Serum TSH level 0.20 mU/L (0.3 - 5.0)

Serum free T4 level 16.0 pmol/L (7.9 - 16.0)

NHS Blood Test 2 ) Serum TSH level 0.38 m/L (0.3 - 5.0)

Serum free T4 level 18.8 pmol/L (7.9 - 16.0)

NHS doctor is now suggesting on the basis of these results to lower the Thyroxine I am taking from 75mg to 50 mg for 8 weeks and then to retest.

Is this something I should consider????

Blue Horizon Blood Test: TSH level 0.67 mUL (0.27 - 4.20)

T4 level 21.8 pmol/L (12.0 - 22.0)

T3 level 3.5 pmol/L (3.1 - 6.8 0

Am now taking B Complex, Vit D3 + K2 supplements as advised by you to improve Vitamin D and Folate levels and will retest Thyroid levels again once these levels have improved and then on the basis of that will look the FT3 levels to see whether they improve or not and go down the Endocrinologist route.

Meanwhile dilemma is whether to reduce Thyroxine intake to 50mg??

Please advise. Many thanks!

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Rolbo profile image
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9 Replies
Jaydee1507 profile image

Did you test as per the protocol?

When did you take your last dose of Levo before the test and what time was it?

Recommended blood test protocol: Test at 9am (or as close as possible), fasting, last levo dose 24hrs before the blood draw & no biotin containing supplements for 3-7 days (Biotin can interfere with thyroid blood results as it is used in the testing process).

Testing like this gives consistency in your results and will show stable blood levels of hormone and highest TSH which varies throughout the day. Taking Levo/T3 just prior to blood draw can show a falsely elevated result and your GP/Endo might change your dose incorrectly as a result.

Rolbo profile image
Rolbo in reply to Jaydee1507

Hi, thank you for your reply. I took last dose of thyroxine 24 hours before testing and followed the recommended blood test protocol.

SlowDragon profile image

Suggest you give GP copy of your Blue Horizon test results

This shows extremely low Ft3

Tell GP you are working on improving low vitamin levels

That you are going to stay on current dose Levo and will retest again privately in another 8-10 weeks

Alternatively you could agree to very SMALL reduction of 50mcg PER WERK

Taking 75mcg 6 days of week and 50mcg one day

Rolbo profile image
Rolbo in reply to SlowDragon

Thank you for your help - I have followed your advice and mentioned to GP that I wish to stay on the current dose and see how Improving vitamin levels helps before retesting.

Lulu2607 profile image

Rolbo ,Seems a big jump based on your results. Maybe drop 12.5 first? It is possible to do that either with 50 and 12.5 tablets or alternate 50/75 based on your preference. I have recently reduced from 75 to 62.5 as I was similarly very top/slightly over the range. It's a gentler step than dropping to 50mcg straight off. My blood test due in a couple of weeks to check levels. Based on how I feel I think 50 would be too low a dose for me.

Rolbo profile image
Rolbo in reply to Lulu2607

Thank you. I am concerned at the thought of this drop too and not sure about it as feel ok on 75 - looking to see if improving my vitamin levels helps to improve Thyroid levels before changing anything then will retest!

Lulu2607 profile image
Lulu2607 in reply to Rolbo

I agree re vitamins. I had got very run down due to stressful events but extra levo wasn't the answer. A slight reduction in levo plus improved vits (iron and vit D in my case) and I feel a bit better.

AKatieD profile image

How do you feel and how was it when you were on 50 ( I guess you were on 50once on way up to 75)? That should be a major consideration.

Plus as the others have said a drop of 1/3 is likely to be too much, even if the dose is too large, which I am not convinced about yet

Rolbo profile image
Rolbo in reply to AKatieD

Hi, thank you for your thoughts. I feel fine, it was only the 2 NHS blood tests that Doctors' surgery required me to have that made the doctor suggest a lower dose. I also feel concerned that going from 75 to 50 is too bigger drop when I actually feel ok. When I was first diagnosed as having Hypothyroidism 29 years ago I was put straight onto 100mg a day - was a shock to the system (no-one seemed to know that it was better to introduce gradually!!!). So I have only come down in dosage, never up!

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