Hi I posted last week as feeling very unwell with extreme brain fog numbnes and tingling in hands and feet clumsiness extreme tiredness and anxiety. My thyroid function results had been elevated TSH and low T4 and T3. My levothyroxine was increased to 150 mcg and T3 remained same at 20 mcg. I have Hashimotos diagnosed 18 years ago.
My results are as follows.
Ferritin 291.4 20-150
TSH 0.05 .27-4.2
FT4 17.91 12-22
Ft3 6.85 3.1-6.8
Vitamin d 107
vitamin B12 253 insufficient 140-250
Folate 12.72 8.8 - 60.8
So looks like thyroid function normal and that I shopuld maybe reduce to 125 mcg?
I take vitamin d 500mcg and have done so for about 6 months.
Please advise