Just had my 2nd gp appt after my new bloods last week.
I've been on 50mcg Levothyroxine now for 3mths, and 600mcg Ferritin a day.
My results are
TSH - 2.79 (0.35-5.5)
Free T4 - 11.8 (10.0-19.8)
B12 448 (211-911)
Folate - 9.83 (>5.38)
Ferritin - 13.2 (10.0-291.0)
Gp said my results are all normal and no further treatment necessary.
I stuck to my guns and said but I still feel crap and no better than I did. She said she guessed maybe the TSH could be suppressed further to raise my free T4 so has agreed to put me on 75mcg Levothyroxine a day.
What do you think??
Thanks for reading