Hi, I need help. This is my first post, but I have been reading this forum for advice. I was diagnosed Hashimotos 2 years ago and take 125mcg of Levo daily.
Huge weight gain (20kgs), exhausted, ecema on face, constipated, v.high cholesterol. I limit dairy and gluten and take a thyroid supplement (160mcg iodine, 100mcg selenemium, 1000IU of Cholecalciferol and 5mg zinc as sulfate). I have a new endocrinologist appointment for early September. Would T3 help?. If so, what are the convincing arguments I can present? To prepare, I sought private blood testing. Here are my results:
B12 327 (197-771)
Folate 3.9 (>2.9)
Ferritin 106 (13-150)
Reactive Protein 0.9 (<5.0)
T4 81 (59 -154)
TSH 1.75 (0.27 - 4.2)
Free Thyroxine 18.9 (12 - 22)
Free T3 3.5 (3.1-6.8)
Thyroglobun antibodies 15.1 (0 -115)
Thyroid Peroxidase antibodies 18.7 (0-34)
Many thanks in advance for all of your wise counsel!