Having been on a combination T3 plus levo trial for a year, these are my latest results. I am on the trial because my last results indicated I am a poor converter. I was knocked back from taking 100mcg levo to 75mcg by a doctor who doesn't know me when my TSH lowered because I was newly on T3. Of which I take 10mcg daily. I feel much better for combining the two but my weight is still intransigently high and this is causing problems with other things like general capacity to exercise/stay fit etc. Not to mention long term effects down the line.
Please could someone who knows tell me if I am in balance?
TSH: 0.626 (range 0.27-4.2)
Free T3: 4.1 (range 3.1-6.8)
Free Thyroxine: 15.4 (range 12-22)
Thyroglobulin Antibodies: 17.4 (range 0-115)
Thyroid Peridoxase Antibodies: 10.6 (range 0 - 34) First time they have ever been above 9
Folate - Serum: 10.4nmol (range >7)
Ferritin 148 (range 30-332)
Vitamin B12 Active 89.1 (range 37.55-188)
Vitamin D 70.3 (range 50-250)
My CRP is 3.74 which is more than the 3 recommended as in range but I recently had a bad virus a month ago so I'm guessing that is the cause.
Many thanks for any help with analysing this.