Hi everyone, Following on from my last post (see bottom of post) I now have my results and would be grateful for any feedback:
TSH Levels (reference range 0.27-4.2)
April 2013 - 3.1
Jan 2014 - 2.3
Jan 2017: - this is where it gets confusing as the Dr put I was on T4 which I am not so my results came back in the wrong reference range of 0.35 - 5.5.
my result - 4.6
Jul 2017 - 4.9 (no mention if this result was on t4 or not)
all the following results are from July 2017
Adjusted Calcium : 2.15 (range 2.2 - 2.6)
Iron Saturation: 14 (range 15-45)
Vit B12: 132 (range 211-911)
Folate 2.5 (range >4.0)
Last post : Hi everyone,
This is my first post on here. Just looking for some advice. I have had a goitre for at least 7 years which was scanned intially around 4 years ago the doctors lost my results so I had a scan a couple of months ago and was told I had nodules on the right lobe but they were benign - Is this possible to tell off a scan. I keep on having bloods as I have lots of hypothyroid symptoms but my Doctor keeps telling me I am fine. My last TSH was 4.9 and 6 months previous it was 4.3. I am now anaemic and was told to manage it by my diet and no treatment has been given. Is this normal treatment?
Thanks in advance