I have been ill for 18 months with fatigue, weakness, dizziness on and off... thyroid was found out of range (underactive) and I have been on thyroxine for 13 months. Recent results showed TSH was 1.7, FT4 19 and FT3 5. Results yesterday showed TSH had gone up to 3.4 and FT4 17.4. So I need to speak to my GP.
I did a saliva 24 hour cortisol test in January this year and it showed it was slightly out of range on all 4 samples.
My GP wanted me to do the blood cortisol but as I have a chronic illness which has led to severe agoraphobia. My GP has to do home visits. I did my thyroid with Medicheck as usual and asked them to add Cortisol. It came back within an hour this morning which I did worry about. The range is 133-537 and my result today is 1192!!!. I am in bits, I can't cope and have broken down. I have noone but my husband and children. I don't know how I am going to cope. I can't even go to the doctors, how will i cope with a brain tumour if it is cushings disease. Which it looks like it is.
I haven't gained lots of weight. I gained 7lb last year once on thyroxine but nothing this year so far. I have had a puffy face for over a year and red face in the last 6 months but I put that down to the thyroxine. My face isn't huge but it's been puffy and at times red/orange. I don't have a hump on my back or anything like that so those symptoms were reassuring me. My blood pressure is normal.
I am now a mess and don't know what to do? Has anyone ever had a result this high and it not been cushings?
I am in pieces and I have noone in the world to give me a hug right now, noone to ring. I have noone as hubby is in work and my mother walked out of my life after my brother attacked me in 2012. I am sat here sobbing, tears streaming down my face. Terrified and it's sent my anxiety through the roof. How will I cope with hospital appointments and MRI. Surgery etc...
I have PTSD as a result of being anxious after the attack, my brother attacked me and for 2 years after until last year when i made the decision to cut my mother out of my life as she was rejecting me knowing I was unwell and the pain was getting worse for me. I have had chronic stress due to my toxic family but I have felt calmer in recent months despite my ill health worsening.
Daily I feel so unwell with fatigue, weakness, feeling woozy and off balance... energy crashes if I overdo things so GP assumed I had CFS on top of the thyroid illness. He didn't think my saliva cortisol was anything to worry about but wanted the blood result to confirm. Now i wish I didn't do them. I had an anxiety attack doing the bloods, I always do as I hate blood tests, even finger prick. So I guess that snapshot the cortisol would be higher but I doubt that high caused by anxiety lol! I had some stress last week and had 1 bad day of high adrenaline and anxiety due to somethign stressful happening but that was the first time in a long while I have felt stressed or anxious to that degree. I daily feel ill and hate it but I guess you get used to feeling so terrible. I do have anxiety but not where i am daily in a state shaking or panicking, just worrying mentally more than anything as I have been worried what is wrong with me as my GP hasn't been very helpful.
I am so upset, scared, shaken. If anyone has any wise words I'd appreciate it.
Thank you
PS I attach my saliva from January.