It's heart breaking and simply ridiculous that people's health is kept as a hostage of pharmaceutical companies.
We are not given the rightful information of how to improve our health or stay healthy. All we get is lies.
I am done. I can't stand unfair situation where we as the citizens of this world, are not given rightful information, treatment and tools how to achieve life that is about enjoying the good health and good wellbeing.
That information, that medication, that right belongs to me. To all of us.
Studies, research and technology that would help us are withheld because someone wants to make money by providing outdated and pretty much barbaric treatments. Think about dentistry, there are a lot of stuff going on , but it is kept hidden as it would cause someone to lose money. . Who cares about the health of us as long as there is money involved in these old techniques. There still are dentists that drill your teeth just because they can even though it was not necessary, but we all cannot afford second opinion ,which could be very different saying no need for any type treatment. No way to prove it unless you had xrayd. We are not told the truth about our bodies that belongs to us. My teeth. My blood. My test results.
Don't we all deserve more? It's 2017. It's freaking 2017 and feels like it is 1600. Common people are just money makers for those who pull the strings. We have no other value. They do not want us healthy. Which is nothing but sad and wrong.
And it's tax payers paying the bill. It's my money, it's your money, it's money we have no choice ,but to hand over to big pharma without getting nothing but mumbojumbo back.
Think about antibiotics, the guy who discovered penicillin stated that it should not be used without a cause and bacteria develops resistance over time. What happened? Antibiotics have been fed to us, porks, cows, chicken and what happened? We have super bacteria that is resistant to all known antibiotics. Why this happened? Good question. It wasn't about greater good. It wasn't about better health. They became greedy. Antibiotics for all! Go to India and you get them anywhere without prescription.
All type of flu and this and that jabs? What a sad truth. Some are necessary, but more and more prevent this and that disease jabs come to market like lollipops without proper clinical trials. How much that is for greater good? It's not.
Big Pharma doesn't care about the health of people, sicknesses thrills them.
They do not have long term vision to improve the health of people, it is 0 interest. It's all here and now. No matter who suffers.
But it is people behind these decisions and choices, they just hide behind the company. It's people turning against other people, ugly truth. But many do not see it that way, as we do not see these people representing these companies as themselves even though they are exactly the ones making the decision. Company has a name , but all is run by human beings.
It's seen , considered and handled as free will, democracy, capitalism etc.
What choice do we have? Not much. Big pharma plays the piano and we dance or die. Is that fair? Is that fair at all? This is not what I signed up for. I had no choice. I was not given a choice, and I can't accept it. I just can't. I deserve more. I demand a new deal, new rules. Refuse to play with these cards given to me. No more.
I can't deal with this. It is against everything I believe in. I believe in greater good, I believe in equality. I believe in good.
If I am nothing to this world , what am I? I refuse to hand over my money to big pharma and get nothing in return. It's my money, I earned it. I want it to be used for greater good. I refuse to fund 0 studys of how wearing your underwear inside out causes foul smell.
Did you know that women with depressive disorder prior breast cancer have worse prognosis than women with no history of depression? What has their cancer to do with depression? NOTHING, but women with depressive disorder prior breast cancer are treated poorly. Just because they were once depressed they are treated like trash.
Did you know that breast cancer doesn't always need to be treated by radiation or cancer medication after surgery? Now you know. Radiation after non aggressive breast cancer does nothing else but put you under unnecessary risk. There are tests that will tell you what type of cancer you have. Probably not widely available for a very mysterious reason.
I am sick and tired of this. It's disheartening that we have taken a huge leap in past few decades in every other industry, but medical industry is in dark era. And the potential this human kind has. We have excellent scientist, doctors and technology, they would give their heart and soul to consentrate on treating us healthy, doing better research, but these people never get the chance to shine as it isn't profitable enough.
It's unfair.
I have suffered from nausea for nearly two decades, which made my life just unbearable. Every day was a struggle to eat. I was offered ad's , PPI, anti nausea medication and counselling. Nothing worked.
What happened then? Supplementing B12, vitamin D, A and last but not least K2 relieved my nausea and I can eat better. No doctor ever suggested any of these. They gave me no hope, nothing can be done, I am hypochondriac, and just have to live with it.
I had to study English to get all this information, I had to read through tons of studies and I had to pay a lot to buy these supplements.
It ruined my life. I lost 10 years of my life searching for help, learning and understanding. I lost everything. I have nothing. Nothing at all. I haven't lived my life at all during this time.
I am bitter. I can't deal with this bitterness. I can't forget and forgive my health was ruined by giving me multiple courses of unnecessary antibiotics and nothing to help with consequences. I guess my body was very depleted of all vitamins and nutrients.
I am still not healthy and even though the nausea is gone, I am still in poor condition. Just waiting if someone would care.
It sickens me that vitamins and nutrients are not a part of health care. To me it makes sense that nutrients and vitamins are a part of wellbeing. Health care cannot ignore this or otherwise it can't call itself health care. Now it's just treating symptoms.
What about preventative health care? Where that happens? Apparently nowhere. Health care is a playground of big pharma and doctors nothing ,but puppets of big pharma.
I as a citizen of this world, demand new rules. I as a citizen of this world, demand transparency of big pharma, providing all information of medical studies to be published, good or bad.
Big pharma, pharmaceutical companies should work for us, serve us instead of squeezing every penny out of our pockets until we are not just ill, but poor.
Good health and wellbeing belongs to all of us.
I am ashamed of being a human being. I am ashamed of those who work for big pharma to just collect money. That's not humane. That's disgusting.
I am sentenced for a life to live in this misery and agony. It's unfair. I have more rights. It's my health and I have not signed up for handing it over to big pharma. They are holding my health as a hostage, not giving all information and tools to improve something that belongs to me. How come they have the right to do so?
Sorry for ranting, but it physically hurts me this happens to us. It is disheartening and wrong. I have hard time to tolerate wrong.
I can't stand the wrong that happens when people are given medication that they do not need, medication that can rob their life for good. I .. I just can't.
Big pharma is laughing at us, they are rubbing it on our faces. If it's already known how dramatic adverse affect ad's can have ,why those are still prescriped. Ad's that can ruin your life, make you a zombie, ruin your relationships and numb you. How's that right? How? Explain it to me. I will never understand.
I understand some need them and will always need them, but that's the case when the positive effect is bigger than the negative. That's when the quality of life is better with those side effects ,than symptoms of the disease.
Statins? What they are not tried to cure? Now they test if it works for MS. Side effects statins are known, but boldly they are offered to treat any illnesses. Seriously?
I just needed to get this out of my chest. If I drop dead out frustration at least I got to say this. My life is nothing , but waiting and hunting down any information I could use to have a better quality of life. Day After day. As since being ill for almost two decades it's nothing , but sure that this just doesn't go away by itself.
This isn't the life I ordered for. Where I can cancel my subscription for life? I am not interested of this anymore. I have no power over this, it has become a part of my identity. I fear I will never get to be the person I am supposed to be. I will always be this illness. That ain't right.