Hi Guys,
I was taking 100mcg levothyroxine until 20th January 2017. I managed to convince my Doctor to trial Armour Thyroid with me and I am currently taking two grains of armour thyroid, once in the morning an hour before food and one in the late afternoon/ evening time.
My health has been just fine, with no known reactions to the Armour Thyroid medication other than a rash on my foot at the beginning which I put down to an allergy to the new meds.. I feel just fine. My weight has even come down which is something that is important to me. I've been able to see more results of my exercise routine. I feel absolutely fine.
I ordered a Blue Horizon Blood test kit which cost almost £200 and had bloods taken on 22nd March 2017. I went in to the BMI Priory Hospital on an empty stomach, having not taken a grain of Armour Thyroid for at least 12 hours. The blood was taken around 11:50AM
I have reviewed my blood test results this morning and I am now posting them now.
Vitamin B12- 561 ( range 197-771)
Serum Folate: 7.8 ( range 3.9- 20)
Ferritin: 132 ( range 30-400)
c reactive protein: 3 ( less than 5 is normal )
Key results:
TSH:0.01 ( RANGE 0.27-4.2) ( pretty low- should I be worried?)
FREE T4: 13.8 ( range 12-22)
FREE T3: 5.7( RANGE 3.1-6.8)
vitamin D : 43( 50- 200) again quite low
Thyroid antibodies:
thyroglobulin antibody: 11 ( 0-115 range)
Thyroid Perioxidase Antibodies 16.7 ( 0-34 RANGE)
Reverse T3 : 18 ( RANGE 10-24)
So from these results, the two main things that stand out are the fact that my TSH is quite low and I have low vitamin D levels.
Armour Thyroid I have read can give these kinds of issues regarding TSH. I have also read TSH is a poor marker for judging adequate Thyroid Hormone Replacement therapy.
I feel absolutely fine health wise.
What are your views on these results? Any advice would be much appreciated. Should I worry about these results and what do you advise I do?
Many Thanks,
Jose x