I finally got the endo to do a vitamin d test and my GP did a full iron panel but not folate. Baby steps!
Back in November, the endo was quite ready to give me some type of thyroid meds (he never said what but I suspect levo). He thought my pituitary, which has an adenoma, is causing me to convert ineffectively. At the time he changed the meds I'm on to shrink the adenoma and he didn't want to give me new thyroid and pituitary meds at the same time. He said if I felt better he wouldn't know which meds were working.
Talked to endo again last week after a bunch of new blood tests. The adenoma doesn't appear to be shrinking based on my hormone levels so he's taken me off the pills altogether and ordered a new MRI to see if the adenoma has grown. The MRI is at the end of May.
He has also decided to wait again on the thyroid meds because he thinks my thyroid levels are fine now. He said let's wait to see what the hematologist says, not because he believes iron helps thyroid, he poo-pood that, but because my symptoms might be all anemia and not thyroid. My iron is low but my hemoglobin is fine so I don't think I have anemia. I've been feeling like this since October 2015 and can't get anywhere. Hematologist appointment isn't until May either and the hematologist sent a requisition to my GP for some preliminary tests for celiac and H pylori because of my iron. I've been supplementing ferrous fumerate 2x daily sinxe December 2015 and have only had ferritin go up to 16, thus I may have an absorption problem.
Latest results, reference range in brackets:
WBC 11.5 (4-10)
RBC 4.56 (3.5-5)
Hemoglobin 133 (115-155)
Hematocrit .39 (.35-.45)
MCV 86 (82-98)
MCH 29.2 (27.4-33.5)
MCHC 339 (300-370)
RDW 15.1 (11.5-14.5)
Platelets 278 (150-400)
TSH .88 (.32-5.04)
FT3 3.52 (3-5.9)
FT4 12.8 (10.6-19.7)
Ferritin 16 (15-257)
Iron 8.1 (10.6-33.8)
Iron Binding Capacity 58 (24-61)
Iron Saturation 0.12 (0.13-.50)
Vitamin D 26 (75-150) although report says not deficient until under 25 and that 26-74 is only insufficient.
B12 298 (153-655)
Endo doesn't want to talk to me until summer unless there's an issue on my MRI. He says let's wait until hematologist gives me iron infusions (he's making an assumption that's what will happen) and see if that solves my problems. Do you think that's the right call or should I call back and try again? I know iron levels help with thyroid meds but I'm left hanging again until July or later by the Endo when I could be on Levo for the two months I have to wait for the hematologist.