I had a TT in 2012 and take 100 levothroxine
For last three months I have had problems with joint and muscle pains .tirdness and increasing anxiety levels .asked dr for blood tests also asked for b12 and vit d to be done my GP said vit d is ,over egged' but he do it anyway my results were
TSH 0.01
T415.8 (9 -20)
B12 271 (180 -914)
Vit d 33 (50-150)
On the print out it said no action
When I ve looked at my blood results since I had thyroid removed my TSH has remained the same but my T4 has dropped from 19.8. To 15.8
Also my b12 was435 and is now 271
My dr refuses to give me more thyroxine I m only on 100 anyway
I have decided to take vit d and vit b12 but not sure on dosage
Anyone have any ideas ?
Thanks Piedo