Gastro appt tomorrow.... : Hi, I am going for my... - Thyroid UK

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Gastro appt tomorrow....

scorpiojo profile image
17 Replies


I am going for my Gastroscopy tomorrow YIKES... I said that I would just have the spray & brave it out.... However, my brave has wavered over the last week lol... Double YIKES... I am wondering about this, plus the fact that the Gastro guy was pretty dismissive of me when I went in... I am sure he saw someone overweight & made judgements through prejudice or maybe, worryingly, ignorance!! I explained that this year I had seen an Endo for the first time in nearly a decade of taking Levo T4 & the saga about being on T3 a few months then having to get heavy over the fact the Endo wanted to only carry on giving out 20mcg of T3 for people that were fabulously well on it... Personally, I have seen a slight improvement, but I have tackled HRT and B12 vit D & ferritin, folate issues too... I felt the Gastro guy just wanted to blame everything about a possible absorption problem onto any other illness I have.. However, he conceded to give me a Gastroscopy and biopsy... What can I expect of the procedure itself? Should I have gone for sedation... Plus, after what do I need to thrash out with him?? He stated that to have an absorption problem I would have non stop runs and also be as thin as a rake!!

Any thoughts shared on any of this appreciated... x

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scorpiojo profile image
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17 Replies
LtAngua52 profile image

Well I had an endoscopy a few years ago, a camera down my throat. Is that what you are having? They tried to get me to not have sedation, saying it was quicker for me, but really it's just quicker and easier for them. After a friend told me about her experience I had the sedation. Needle in my arm to administer the sedation while lying on my back and woke up with no awareness of the procedure. Offered tea and toast and after a rest went home! Had a camera the other way a few months later, but let's forget about that! Good luck. :-)

scorpiojo profile image
scorpiojo in reply to LtAngua52

Yes, sorry that's what it is hun... I chose that as they say you go straight home... Wondering if the internal bleeding from the biopsy bit hurts too... :((( Thanks for replying x

LtAngua52 profile image
LtAngua52 in reply to scorpiojo

I didn't feel anything at all, thanks to the sedation, even afterwards.

Barrister profile image

Go for sedation! I had just the spray and it was horrible - retching for the whole time it was being done. I would have sedation myself the next time. Clemmie

scorpiojo profile image
scorpiojo in reply to Barrister

I was told that you gag... Not very ladylike... X

Barrister profile image
Barrister in reply to scorpiojo

Yes you do, it is truly horrible and if you've got any weakness around your bladder - even more unladylike, lol! I would never have it done again with just the throat spray. My husband had it done a few months after me and said that he would have the spray ( couldn't be outdone by a girl, lol!) and he also said it was one of the worst things to have, so it wasn't just me being weak and melodramatic. Clemmie

Justiina profile image

I had it done. Unfortunately I woke up in the middle and tried to pull out the tube. I wasn't scared or anything , but hey if you wake up mouth full of stuff not belonging there it freaks you out lol.

They reacted fast and lights went off again. Afterwards they asked if I remember it, and do I need to talk about it, like did it cause me anxiety or so.

I was fine. And still am after 15 years , no nightmares :D

I hope it goes well. You might be one those who get it through quickly with just that spray!

scorpiojo profile image

Bless you and big hugs.... X

SlowDragon profile image

I went for sedation on the advice of my gastroenterologist. He said those that had sedation, were happy to consider having the procedure again. Those that only had spray, usually wouldn't be keen to repeat.

With sedation it only seemed to take about 30 seconds! Had cup of tea & went home

I was dreading it. (I can't even swallow a small capsule!) But would happily do it again if needed

You may find the replies in this thread to be useful. I had the spray due to needing to drive.

scorpiojo profile image

thanks x 😁

lolajone profile image

I had the spray so I could drive home afterwards. If there were a next time it would be sedation :(

judburke profile image

I don't think the gastro comments about weight are helpful. I had "silent Coeliac" - I didn't have the runs or any classic symptoms, my symptoms were, just not feeling right and low its and minerals (Already have hashi for years). I wasn't hugely overweight but whatever I did i.e. diet/extra exercise I couldn't lose any weight or increase tone. After years of feeling bad I tested positive for Coeliac - That then explained why the thyroid meds didn't seem to be working as they couldn't be absorbed by my severely damaged gut. Now that I am GF my gut is recovering and so is the rest of my body that was malnourished for years. 18m later I now absorb medicines better and I have been able to lose those extra few pounds that just would not shift. I hope this helps you understand that all Coeliacs are not the same (if thats what they are looking for)

Good luck with the procedures :)

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to judburke

Snap, I had no symptoms at all. But am improving enormously on GF diet.

Sadly nearly 20 years of thyroxine, very low vit D (never checked by medics) and propranolol to tolerate the Levo has probably not done wonders for my bones.

PTH (parathyroid hormone) should rise if vit D is low, to compensate/regulate bone health, but propranolol artificially keeps PTH low.

I was able to reduce slowly, then stop propranolol completely after adding vit D, magnesium & going GF

About to find out the extent of damage with a bone scan next week.

judburke profile image
judburke in reply to SlowDragon

Its so unfair how they don't look after us properly even when we tell them repeatedly that something isn't right. I have been underactive for 16 years and not felt right for 3 years before Coeliac was diagnosed - Sadly it has affected my bones which are showing osteopenia. I am hoping that since being GF for 18 m that they might have recovered a bit. I too was low in D3 despite being in the sun often to try and improve it.

Good luck with the bone scan :)

scorpiojo profile image

Well I went... I did just have the spray... It’s not the nicest thing I have ever had done... Lots and lots of gagging, and I think if I were to do it again I would have sedation, if it meant you were not aware of all the burping noises etc lol .... I tried to think that at least it wasn’t the other end.... The long and short is I have a hiatus hernia...Hplyori waiting results on and 4 biopsies taken... I have Duodentis and hernia is about 5cm... Awaiting result of the bits taken and appt...

I do have a slight tummy ache which I hope goes...But alive... Thanks all for help and pep talk... They gave me Ranitidine 150mg 2x daily as it’s not supposed to react and strip B 12... Any thoughts welcome... I am sure I have had this tablet before for something, and am not sure if I had issues with it... As I normally remember anything I get on with so this tablet I clearly didn’t like.... xx Ps any toughts on if this will affect T3 and T4 at all appreciated...

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to scorpiojo

Glad to hear you survived and I bet you're glad it's over.

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