Yesterday, my wife finally got her appointment with an endocrinologist at Eastbourne's District General Hospital.
We went armed with lots of information and a private full blood test, including RT3 test to explain that my wife is Hypo because of a T3 absorption problem. (her T3 to RT3 ratio is 11.7)
The first chap that we saw was a registrar called Dr KI. He was very nice, he studied the blood test and checked my wife's previous test and when informed that her symptoms were unchanged and symptomatic of hypo agreed that there was something underlying, but would need to talk to his Consultant. He came back 5 minutes later with Mr H, who is well in the against camp. Whilst trying to be sympathetic he proceeded to tell us that all blood's were in range and that on those results he would not treat her.
He did however say that she was perfectly within her rights to be referred to another endo there for a second opinion and that he could do that for her now, but there is no guarantee that their opinion would differ from his own. He also said that we were free to be referred to an endo with a different treatment opinion if we knew of one, or that they would be happy to monitor my wife if her GP prescribed T3!
At no point did he say that she would not benefit from T3, just that he would not prescribe it. Yet another one that appears to be scared of the powers that be. The poor registrar didn't know what to say as Mr H. left my wife in tears.