A brief history first: I'm 58 and have been on Synthroid for 30 years with no problems. My FT4 has always been mid range, but FT3 was on the bottom of normal when my last doctor started checking it in 2012. He was an open minded general practitioner, but never addressed the FT3 and now has retired. Last year I started feeling exhausted all the time and thought maybe my thryroid might be the culprit. Did my research and figured out my labs were off with an abysmal FT3, but I had no doctor.
So I finally got an appointment with a highly recommended endo 3 months ago. On the first visit, she did seem to be progressive and was not following the old T4 only regimen. She noticed my FT3 was low. In addition to the 75 mcg Synthroid, she prescribed 5 mcg of Cytomel. It hardly brought up my levels as you will see below. Then my FT4 dropped too!
I just had a check up yesterday, and she waffled about prescribing anything more because of my low TSH and definitely wouldn't up the T3. I won't bore you with all the typical endo outdated jargon she threw out at me like I sounded like I was depressed, my TSH is too low, too much thyroid hormones cause bone loss, blah blah blah. And of course the endo seemed a bit angry when I tried to give her the correct information in a nice way. She finally decided she would increase my Synthroid to 88 mcg and continue the Cytomel at 5 mcg. I have to wait 7 more weeks to retest labs.
I don't look or have symptoms of a typical hypo patient( which the endo pointed out numerous times.) I am not overweight and not constipated, but I am extremely exhausted from noon on, have half eyebrows, a serrated tongue, and worst of all, for the last 6 months, I cannot fall asleep most nights without help, feeling wired or 'adrenalized'. Lately my jaws hurt from clenching them shut. Below are my labs from several dates:
July 2016 I was on Synthroid 75 mcg every other day, 50 mcg every other day. 5 mcg Cytomel:
TSH 0.57 (0.40 - 4.50 miu/l)
FT3 2.5 (2.3 - 4.2)
FT4 0.8 (0.8 - 1.8)
Even my FT4 is low now!
September 2016 after I was on Synthroid 75 mcg every day and Cytomel 5 mcg for 6 weeks:
TSH 0.57 (0.40 - 4.50 miu/L)
FT3 2.7 (2.3 - 4.2)
FT4 1.0 (0.8 - 1.8)
Other labs done earlier this year:
B12 871 (200 - 1100) I take 1000 mcg a day
Ferritin 59 (13 - 300 ng/ml)
Iron 74 (35 - 175 ug/dl) I am not on iron supplements.
TIBC 278 ( 250 - 400 ug/dl)
Folate 17.8 ( 9.1 - 30.9 ng/ml)
VitD 55 (30 - 100 ng/ml) I take 4000 iu of D3 every day and this level has been rising.
I am extremely disappointed in this new endo. She has become condescending to me now that I've questioned some of the things she told me. I'm doubtful that this new regimen of Synthroid 88 mcg and Cytomel 5 mcg is going to bring my labs up enough for me to feel better. And, I doubt she is going to prescribe any increases in the Cytomel and maybe not even the Synthroid due to the low TSH. I'm leery of self medicating, but I feel like that is going to be my only option unless I can find a better endo. What happened to doctors to listen to you and are aware of the latests studies about thyroid treatment?
Should I just keep on for the next 7 weeks with this new increase in the Synthroid and see what happens? Or should I start self medicating with more Cytomel? i'm at wits end and don't feel good.
Thank you all for helping me to be as informed as I have become!