They didn't do the thyroid antibodies as I asked nor the gonadtrohins (which I didn't ask for but maybe I should have).
Cortisol = 398 (175 – 600)
(note on the results to say >300 means adrenal insufficiency, but if clinical suspicion high suggest discussion with endo) - yet is has been in the 600s last 3 times!
Thyroid TSH = 0.65 ( 0.35 – 4.50)
(slightly lower than last two times)
T3 = 4 (range 3.9 – 6.8)
Similar to last two years
T4 = 14.4 (11 – 24)
Similar to last two years
Blood Sugar = 38
Prolactin = 436 (102 – 496)
Lower than 2014 but higher than 2015
Vitamin D = Wouldn’t do it for free (would have cost £35 + £50 admin fee!!!) Though they made an error and I got my T3 and T4 tests free – said it’s cheaper to supplement
Mar 2014 = 43.1
Feb 2015 = 50.5
Ferritin = 60 (13 – 150)
Two years ago was 10 and needed supps so moving in right direction
B12 = 348 (180 – 2000)
(moving in the right direction slowly)