I have taken Centriam multi vit and they made me itch and have a headache.. I have been reading about folk taking b12 (I'm going to have a blood test when I can sort about deficiency) so wanted to start on single vits to try and eliminate the side effects of the multi... What's a good does b12 and are Holland and Barrett the best? Thanks Jo
Vit B12: I have taken Centriam multi vit and they... - Thyroid UK
Vit B12

Don't bother with H & B.
Look for Methylcobalamin sublingual B12 lozenges. Solgar and Jarrow are very popular. If you take B12 then also take a B Complex to keep B vits balanced Thorne is a good one.
Thank you... Where's the best place for those? If you need to pm me feel free to... I'm hoping I'm using this site and messaging right... Jo 😊
I have goggled b12 Jarrow Thorne b complex think amazon is ok.. What amounts?.. Please... It's a dear old problem having a dodgy thyroid!! And, I bet I have other vits I need too... But not sure which.. If I start with the Bs get blood test keep using t3 is that ok? Thanks Jo
Don't start B12 before getting tested to see what your level is. It's a water soluble Vitamin so you'd pee any excess out but you don't want to waste your money. If you are deficient you might need 1000 or 5000 depending on your level.
I get mine from Amazon, I check prices and for those Amazon is usually pretty good.
Ate you going to have a Blue Horizon test? Their Plus Ten tests Vit B12 and Vit D plus ferritin and Folate, that's a reasonable start. It will also test FT3 as well as FT4 and TSH so you will know if you need T3. If you post your results when you get them then members can advise about dosing, adjusting dose, etc., plus what vits and mins you might need plus suggestions for amounts. Don't jump on without knowing what you really need.
Endo put me on 20mcg and gp has gone along, but I bought some from EU and they are 25 so I have taken them.. 100 of levo but it's never helped... Would you suggest not taking t3 and 4 so my results are more insightful? How long should I lay off if yes? Thanks Jo ps vits are in basket so I know what to go back to when and if I need to buy 😊
Oh right, I hadn't looked back at any of your posts or your profile.
Are you saying the T3 hasn't helped? How long have you been taking it? You need all your vits and mins, ferritin and folate to be at an optimal level for your thyroid hormones to work effectively. Not sure if you've already posted any previous test results.
I've added a small amount of T3 to my Levo but haven't found a dramatic difference, maybe I'm not taking enough. But I know my ferritin is not yet optimal so thyroid meds aren't going to work properly until I can get the Ferritin up so I'm going very slowly with the T3.
No, I'm not saying don't take your T3 and T4. If you are going to do the BH blood tests just don't take them on the morning of the test, same as a GP test, take them afterwards. Then when you get your results you can see where your levels are and members can make suggestions if you post them.
Hi... I've been on levo at all sorts of levels had it taken away given back via gp tests for 7 odd yrs.. Just before Xmas I asked and insisted I see the consultant.. They/consultant did a blood test Jan told me to take levo at 150 which was an increase on what i was taking, then on March 15th she said increasing levo hasn't worked and put me on t3 for the first time and said drop down to 100 levo... So I haven't been on the t 3 long I feel a little sad that I don't feel 100% better, but I do a little bit.. Out of 10 I'd say I'm a 4... Starting from 0 before..Thanks for your help.. It means a lot.. Jo
OK Jo, getting the picture now ☺
I'd say only being on T3 since mid March then that might not be enough time to see a lot of difference. I started my T3 back in November, was quite impatient at first hoping to feel so good after starting it, was wanting to increase after a couple of weeks. Increased, felt no better, decreased, felt no better, increased again. Eventually realised I needed to be patient and give it time, but most importantly get those vits, mins, folate and ferritin sorted.
It's a lot of messing about, changing doses, trying to get to a point where you feel better. I've been hypo for 40+ years, was OKish for the first 20 or so but the last 15+ years have not been so good so am trying to get sorted.
So I would say to get your BH test done, see what all your levels are and if necessary start supplementing. A little bit of patience is needed (I know, not easy is it).
Another thought, have you thought about a 24 hour saliva adrenal stress test. I found out I had low adrenal reserve (high cortisol and low DHEA) and again that needs to be addressed, plus virte no sex hormones which also needs addressing. So much is all linked together, it's not as easy as 'take this little pill every day' as a lot of doctors would have us believe 😢.
I may well have issues as going through menopause and I am allergic to the oestrogen I thought he said estrogen, but in a letter the consultant at Basildon said it was far above his pay grade, and has referred me to a Janet Barber in Barts... I'm so desperate and depressed, as I just want to be well.. I feel like a 150 year old at 54.. I tried for too long trying this hrt and that backwards and forwards re the thyroid and levo... I just want to sleep!! Hot flushes at night noticed they are now in the day since t3... So I've a new dilemma is it t3 causing day sweats or menopause... You would think in this day and age they could separate what illness despite symptoms being similar.. I will do any tests at BH to identify help... I'm an idiot as the Endo said my tsh I think was a 1 she upped levo then another test and I'm sure she said it was 3 or .3 I'm cross I can't recall and that I didn't write it down.. But there you are rant over lol ... Thanks for your help... Jo
Also H and B only do cyanocobalamin, apart from a spray
Do not take these causing cancertake b12 with melthy read wilikp reports
If you are intending to have bloods done i wouldnt at this point increase or supplement with extra b12 because if you think this is possibly causing your symptoms any uptake of b12 can potentially skew a true result of b12 deficiency.
B12 makes me itch at 2500 a day.
Unless your GP gives you B12 injections, the best way to take it is via sub-lingual drops or sub lingual tablets. People with Hashimotos often have a leaky gut with associated absorption problems (thus causing the deficiency), so taking it the usual way by swallowing, can be ineffective. I take 'Doctors Best' (methylcobalamin form) sublingual tablets that melt under the tongue.

Hope I don't need injections I'm a coward, although Moorfields have done far worse re my eyes lol... Is what you are taking through gp or do you buy it? How do you know if you absorb it, if that's not a silly? 😊
The injections are OK if given by a nurse who knows what he/she is doing. They are intra muscular injections, usually given at the top of the arm. The trick is to breathe deeply and relax completely. B12 is easy to buy over the counter. As for absorption, there is a gland in your neck, just below your mouth, called the sub lingual gland. Taking sub lingual vitamins by drops or dissolving tablets, involves placing the vitamin under the tongue, thus by-passing the gut and absorbing the vitamin directly into your tissues. Absorption shouldn't be a problem, so long as you keep the vitamin substance under your tongue for as long as you can, allowing time for it to dissolve and absorb. I usually take it after my evening meal while watching TV or reading. It is far more effective than swallowing the usual vitamin pills which due to an auto immune, compromised gut, may not be absorbed through the stomach wall.
how do you find out if you don't absorb? I am going to take this slowly but as fast as I can, if that makes sense.. Get bloods which I have been told they will take at the hospital so I'm going to do that.. See what people think on here re results.. I will try the b12 you suggest as it's the step before injections.. I find here so helpful because you can take steps for yourself that maybe the NHS won't help you with.. I can fight if I have proof, and make plans I feel happy with 😊 Thanks for the info... Will probably pester you all after results. Jo