Since 5 months ago, I've been told by a doctor that I have hypothyroidism due to an auto-immune disease (Hashimoto). Before I visit the doctor, I started developing many ridiculous symptoms including forgetfulness to the point that I feel I'm close from forgetting my name, severe fatigue, fat increase, weakness, loss of concentration to the point that I lost my self-confidence.
My first blood test results were as follows:
Vitamin D (25-OH-Cholecalciferol)25Deficiency: < = 50 Insufficiency: > 50 - < 75 Preferred level: > = 75
TSH 9.680(0.27 - 4.2)
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)247(141 - 489)
Anti ThyroPeroxidase Abs (TPO)516.39(< 5.61)
Free T4 (Thyroxine)11.8 (12-22)
I've been put on Levothyroxine 25 and eventually increased the dose until I reached 100mcg throughout 3 months. During that period, I suffered from really bad symptoms that I ceased taking the levo including even worse memory loss and freaky nightmares. I suffered from the levo and I can feel the bad symptoms right away. When I tried to take my levo at night before sleep, I felt better and many of the levo symptoms (not the disease symptoms) have been reduced! I complained to my endo that I never felt any better and he reduced my dose to 75mcg before he increased it back 2 months ago to 100!
Please help me out because I'm close from getting crazy and not sure if I can get back to normal:/ Your help are much appreciated!
My latest blood results are as follows:
Vitamin D (25-OH-Cholecalciferol)68 (50 - 150)
Free T3 (Triiodothyronine)4.97 (3.1 - 6.8)
Anti ThyroPeroxidase Abs (TPO)402.76(< 5.61)
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) 222 (141 - 489)
TSH 4.650(0.27 - 4.2)
Free T4 (Thyroxine)17.3 (12 - 22)
The doctor is insisting that my current measurements are good and I don't need to do anything but I don't feel good at all! I'm also taking 10,000 IU Vitamin D a day.
Thank you all in advance for your advises and help!