Hello everyone,
Can you help me with my blood test results,
Serum 25-HO vit D3 level ...... 22 nmol/L ........ ( 80- 150.00 nmol/L)
<30 nmol/L Vit D deficiency
(Doctor gave me supplements for this )
TSH ....... 0.48 mU/L ................... 0.30 - 4.00 mU/L
T4 ......... 20.5 pmol/L ................. 10.50 - 24.50 pmol/L
(no T3 level, my doctor doesn't test it, she says '' if my TSH is high T3 is high as well, if TSH is low it's low,they're connected'', so they won't test it)
Ferritin ....... 26 ug/L ................. 10.00 - 160.00 ug/L
B12 / Folate ....... 541 ng/L .........191.00 - 900.00 ng/L
I take 100 mg levothyroxine for the last 6 months, my levels are ''normal'' for the last two visits to my doctor.
The problem is, I always feel tired and have no energy.
( Between 31-Dec-14 / 30-Apr 15 I felt really well and full of energy,I don't know how or why, but between those times, I was exercising 5-6 days a week, for an hour a day, I also started to run maybe 3 days a week and I lost the energy then ( I was taking 75mg levothyroxine those days) ....I've read and found out that i was over-exercising! After april I gained weight (but between those dates I lost weight) stopped doing exercising... (30-Apr-15 TSH was 6, T4 was 17)
I was given vitamin D at the beginning of September and feeling a little better (feeling like I have %15 energy)
I've started doing exercises no longer than 30 minutes a day( 5 days a week)
I went gluten free that helped me a lot ,feeling really better because of this.
Do you think doing daily exercises for only 30 minutes can be enough for weight loss?
my doctor did a full blood test that I don't understand the results,are they normal?
I'm adding the photo of my results below.
These are from september, I'll have another blood test tomorrow for Vit D, Bone profile,folate.
Would love to hear your opinions and experiences (about exercising esp)
Thank you x