I'm in a much better place than the last time I posted in here. My doctor says my thyroid levels are optimal, though maybe a bit over-replaced (still waiting for some blood test results) I have far more energy and am able to do hills again.
Tests from 2 months ago:
TSH 0.02 (0.35 - 5.00)
Free T4 19.2 ( 9.0 - 21.0)
They don't test T3 here at all, every time I ask I get a no. I have not much money so can't afford tests outwith the doctor.
My other results are:
Ferritin - 122 (15 - 200 U)
B12 - last time it was done in June it was 578
Folate - round about 13 (sorry it's not been done for a while)
Vitamin D - halfway to optimal - 132 nmol (don't have the reference range, sorry)
I supplement B12, folate occasionally and D at 10,000 ius. I am also post-menopausal, am 45 - not yet on any HRT or BHRT but finding about it. I am on 100mcg of levothyroxine. I also take flax seed oil capsules, magnesium (currently worrying about selenium, K2) I am fully gluten free too.
My problem now is that I get flu-like symptoms as if I have got the flu and lays me low for up to 2 weeks. I recover, get my energy back and then roughly four weeks later, it happens again. It was particularly bad this time and I ended up getting sent home from work in a taxi as I almost collapsed. I spent about three days shivering under a blanket and then roasting (although that temperature regulation problem could be menopause) It has calmed down now and I feel better again.
Could this be levothyroxine that causes this? I'm also getting tested for lyme - but results not back yet.
I don't really know what to do now, so any suggestions would be most welcome.
Many thanks
Helen xxxx