Blood Test Results: I finally got my blood test... - Thyroid UK

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Blood Test Results

Deano82 profile image
11 Replies

I finally got my blood test results back for a package I specifically chose and have added them as a photo to this post.

The doctors comments (not my GP as I went private this time) are as follows:


The Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) is elevated. If you are already taking a form of thyroxine, it is possible that that your dose is too low or that you have forgotten to take it on occasion. It may be that an increase in dose is in order - if adjusted it would be sensible to repeat thyroid function (TFT) testing in around 2 months time. If you are not taking thyroxine, and this is the first time TSH has been noted to be high, it is possible that 'non-thyroidal illness' or other medication effects are the cause of the elevation. It may be that hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland) is about to develop. In these scenarios, it would be advisable to repeat thyroid function tests in 3 months time. If this a repeat elevated TSH, it would be a good idea to consider checking thyroid antibodies if not previously tested. If antibody testing is positive, an annual check of TFT would be in order as your risk of developing thyroid disease would be higher than average. I would suggest undertaking this repeat test sooner if symptoms develop. The usual advice is to consider commencing thyroxine if TSH rises above 10 mU/L. Some authorities advise commencing thyroxine at lower TSH levels.

There is marked Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D is manufactured in our skin as a direct result of sunlight exposure. One potential complication of prolonged Vitamin D lack is osteomalacia, a disease which causes severe structural deformities to the skeleton. Lower level Vitamin D deficiency can lead to a number of non specific symptoms, including possibly chronic fatigue (experts have for many years noted an association between sufferers of chronic fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalitis (CFS or ME) and low blood levels of Vitamin D). It has been estimated that between 50-70% of people living in the northern Europe (where daylight length reduces your chances of receiving adequate sunlight in the winter) are deficient in this vitamin by March each year. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency include chronic pain, weak bones, frequent infections (recent research has detected an association between vitamin D deficiency and severe pneumonia), depression and fatigue. I suggest you speak to your doctor about this result as supplementation looks to be advisable.


What do you think? It is nice after 4 years to finally have something show up but seems they are saying I should wait to be tested again. I honestly feel like absolute death right now. Should I give these to my GP or will he just basically say the same? My antibodies came back as negative.

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Deano82 profile image
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11 Replies
Deano82 profile image

Seems the image didn't work properly. Here is a link to it:

Do you have any idea why your D levels are low? Have you been supplementing iron/zinc etc but not D? Never get out in the sun at weekends?

Deano82 profile image
Deano82 in reply to

I am inside flat on my back most of the time because I feel so ill. I also get hot VERY easily and avoid the sun like the plague as it makes me feel sick as I heat up way too much and sweat buckets.

in reply to Deano82

OK, so supplementing big time to get your D3 up might help. It sounds a bit trivial, but I have a neighbour who spent two years going to the doctor because she felt so low and ill, finally they tested D and she was very low, supplemented and recovered. So it can have major effects and it would be worth dealing with. Also as i am sure you know, D is needed for the thyroid to work optimally.

Clutter profile image

Deano82, Your TSH indicates you are becoming hypothyroid although your FT4 and FT3 are good at the moment. Non-thyroidal illness like a cold or virus at time of testing can elevate TSH which is why further testing has been suggested in 2-3 months when any illness/virus should have resolved. You can take the results to your GP and ask for a copy to be entered in your medical records. If your TSH is over the GP's lab range your GP may agree to start you on Levothyroxine, otherwise ask for a thyroid test in 3 months.

You are severely vitD deficient and your GP should prescribe vitamin D3 to correct it.

When my vitD was <10 I was prescribed loading doses 40,000iu ProD3 softgel capsules x 14 days followed by maintenance doses 2,000iu x 8 weeks and vitD retested at >100 which is in the optimally replete range 75-200. I had significant hip, knee joint pain and muscle pain which resolved when the deficiency was corrected. I started feeling much better 6 weeks into supplementing.

B12 is adequate and unlikely to be contributing to your illness. PAS say 1,000 is optimal and many people find good levels improve energy. Supplement 1,000mcg methylcobalamin sublingual lozenges, spray or patches and take a B Complex vitamin to improve folate and keep the other B vits balanced.

Ferritin is optimal half way through range so you could supplement iron with 500-1,000mg vitC but I don't think it is low enough to be causing problems.

Your other results look okay to me as they are all within range.

fornels1 profile image
fornels1 in reply to Clutter

You forgot to mention that his folate is on the low range. It may be wise to take a supplement. Folate regulates homocysteine levels.

Clutter profile image
Clutter in reply to fornels1

Fornel, there is folic acid in B Complex vitamins.

fornels1 profile image
fornels1 in reply to Clutter

That is an assumption you are making because his B12 is in at an acceptable level. Let us hope that is the case but the fact is the folate is low. BTW I did not follow the whole tread before.

I think leave off the iron supps. It's fine - don't go higher.

Deano82 profile image

Thank you for all of the replies. I found the results of a blood test I had done by the same hospital in 2014. My TSH then was 2.240. Is it normal for it to increase to 4.680 present day? I felt really bad back then but am far worse now. I will be seeing the doc next week about this and will take both test results with me. Not sure how it will go as they fobbed me off with the "it is all in your head" excuse ages ago. I will also ask for some help with the vitamin D again but from what I remember the ones I was given before were quite weak IU wise compared to what I have seen mentioned here.

Fuzb profile image

As Clutter says you might be becoming hypo over time - would be interesting to see your TPO antibody results to see if it is auto immune gradually making your thyroid work harder. Just keep an eye on this every few months if the TSH >10 see about getting official diagnosis from GP and start Thyroxin.

If the doc isn't interested in treating the vit D (mine said it's all placebo!!) I used the 3000IU betteryou spray to get my levels up over time made a huge difference. The table at the top of is useful to see what you should take over 3 months to get to the optimal levels (x2.5 for ng/ml to nmol/l)

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