Hi, I've never posted before but am at my wits end and you all seem very knowledgable especially compared with my GPs who are unhelpful as well as arrogant and dismissive. I'd really appreciate your help.
I was diagnosed as having fibro 3 years ago following about 7 years of complaining of feeling exhausted, freezing cold, weight gain, sore eyes, hair falling out, etc etc. I have arthritis and finally got referred to rheumatology who diagnosed the fibro as by the time I got to see them most of the arthritis swelling had gone.
I was also told by rheumy that my Vit D was low, my GP at the time said it was 'slightly low' (it was 42) and to buy 1000mg vit d tablets which I started taking but noticed no improvements.
I have worsening symptoms now along with painful joints so have started pestering the docs, they have run the usual cheap blood tests and told me I'm 'normal'. My vitD is still only 81 (80 -150) but that's 'normal' too according to them.
I paid for private bloods as GP wouldn't do any. Results:
Active B12 *>256.0 pmol/L 25.1 - 165.0
Folate (serum) 13.8 ug/L 4.6 - 18.7
FERRITIN 46 ug/L 13 - 150
TOTAL THYROXINE(T4) 92 nmol/L 59 - 154 THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE 3.08 mIU/L 0.27 - 4.2
FREE THYROXINE 16.4 pmol/l 12.0 - 22.0
FREE T3 5.3 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8
Thyroglobulin Antibody 15.4 IU/mL 0-115(Negative)
Method used for Anti-Tg: Roche Modular Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies 7.4 IU/mL 0 -34
As GP refuses to help me in any way, what do I do now? I am thinking of buying some thyroxine online?
Thanks in advance.