I would welcome any further thoughts on my ongoing thyroid saga! After TT last Feb & on going issues with Calcium, very high TSH and T4, some of you will recall I consulted a private Endo four weeks ago. I am diagnosed with Hypoparathyroidism.
I was in 150 Levo and had 10mg T3 added by Endo which I have been on for 3 weeks. My Levo was reduced to 125 at same time and down to 100 in last few days. TSH has come down to 0.98 from 12.5 eight weeks ago. I was put on Calcitriol 2 tablets daily and remained on 500mg calcium. This week Endo has reduced Calcitriol to one tablet & asked me to stop calcium until next weeks blood test. He wants calcium to be between 2.2 to 2.3. At moment it is going up gradually now at 2.47 which Endo says is too high for me. I am due to have T4 & T3 tested next Monday. Vitamin D3 is 79.
Vitamin B 12 is high at 2000.
Problem: after two weeks without nasty symptoms if pins/needles/internal shaking, symptoms came back last Tuesday, just can't figure out why. Endo says that he needs to see next T4/T3 results to check. Also, that for me calcium is too high. I have had this problem off n on since TT last Feb. it seems to me that anxiety kicks off lots of these symptoms. Does anyone else find this?
I know I was not converting T4 (which was 26 then 21 two weeks ago, but can't work out if I'm over or under medicated. Couldn't cope with 150 Levo.
Are we doomed to anxiety symptoms for ever? My Endo says mine is a very difficult case that needs careful handling and I'm more than happy with him after hospital surgeon & GP's were useless.
You will also recall my questions about Zopiclone as I don't sleep. I have been told Hypoparathyroidism suppresses production on melatonin so GP has changed Zopiclone to Circadin (Melatonin) 2mg slow release for a month and as I am 68, I can have these for up to 6 months. I am relieved about this as didn't fancy Zopiclone permanately but wonder if my symptoms are made worse by Zopiclone?
Next weeks blood panel is testing everything so I will post new results and ranges then.
Thank you x
Flower power