Following my successful appointment with a private Endo last week, I just wanted to update everyone on my progress. I received a three page report from my Endo full of recommendations to my GP and went off on Monday morning to consult the Senior Partner in the Practice.
The Endo stated I had multiple thyroid issues following TT last Feb & that I had hypothyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism which needs careful treatment.
My TSH goes up and down and last T4 was 26, well over recommended levels. TSH was 4.6, still too high. It said it is obvious I am not converting t4 to t3 because of my multiple symptoms and has added a small amount of T3 (10 mcg) to my meds to be introduced over a 5 week period, reducing Levo from 150mcg to 100mcg. Ism also to have calcium & vitD levels closely monitored as well as other tests over a 6 week period and have ben given Calcitriol 25mcg x 2 daily. He is monitoring weekly blood tests.
My GP Senior Partner was very resistant to T3, and after a lot if discussion and pushing by my husband agreed that he would prescribe T3 but only after we had paid for first prescription. after that it could be on NHS. So 28 tablets which will last 56 days cost £150. So £12.50 for 8 weeks supply. He tried to put me off taking T3 as he said most Endo's are against it.
I also have to have DIXA test as my vitamin D is low, last July just 32 which is why Calcitriol has bern prescribed. Due to fluctuating calcium levels which were low 1.7 making me hypocalcaemic and then too high, 3.1, the levels will be tested weekly.
As I also have a mild aortic heart murmur, I am having an echocardiogram to check that my aortic valve has no sign of calcification.
I am also to go gluten free due to digestive issues, I'm on 20mg of Omeprazole daily.
1. Has anyone else got experience of taking Calcitriol? Is 2 a day too much?
2. I cut my Levo fom 150 to 125 last Friday for last 5 days (felt better no internal shakes)
And today cut Levo to 100 and took first 10mcg of T3. Should I take 125 of Levo on days when not taking T3?
3. Are there any side effects from taking T3,? feel anxious & trembly this morning.
4. Will the T3 affect my heart in long term?
5. How long before benefits of T3 begin to show.
My brand of Levo has been changed to Activis from Mercury.
I would be glad of any thoughts on the above points, with all my symptoms, I never know if I am over or under medicated.
Many thanks