Sorry its been a long time.: Kerry Bird shared a... - Thyroid UK

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Sorry its been a long time.

Kezzerb profile image
2 Replies

Kerry Bird shared a link.

about a minute ago near Saint Julian, Malta

Hi all sorry I haven't been in touch for so long.

Just checking in to say hello again and hope you are all doing well.

I wanted to share my the past year with you I hope you can all feel encouraged and hope my experience of the past year will enlighten you and help assist you with your health.

Sending hugs from Malta enjoying the sunshine Vitamin D.

Second round of evacuations from Libya hubby and sitting it out for a while the company he works for decides what to do.

I hope my experience can help and assist those suffering from any autoimmune disease and assist in getting your health back and stop the discord from the medical establishment. We all have the right to our own bodies and what we choose to treat it with is our own right.

Wishing you all the very best of health, love and peace Kerry. xxx

I came across Carol when she was councillor for me when I had the D102 gene test.

Gratitude to Thyroid UK and Thyroid health unlocked.

My very good friend and confident. A wonderful scottish lady Lorraine Cleaver who campaigns for change concerning hypothyroidism for whom I am deeply grateful.

All assisting in my health becoming better than it ever was over the 23 years.

They all helped broaden my understanding of my illnesses although I don't fully understand the sciences behind all the medical terminology however I am encouraged I can through my knowledge pass on my experiences to other sufferers and hopefully help them understand and manage such extreme autoimmune diseases.

Autoimmune diseases if they are not managed correctly they soon can go from one illness to another which inevitably will lead to serious consequences.

Although having autoimmune diseases they have their ups and downs and are very complex and totally invasive.

They can be managed by repairing your immune system by following a good clean way of what you put in your body and that includes what you put on your body to by cutting out anything that is chemical based. No Parabens or SLES derivatives.

Can you believe my immune system was so damaged that my sensitivities had actually begun to be sensitive to cloth materials causing itching and hives.

The D102 gene test confirmed I was one of the people that could not convert to T3 from T4 in hypothyroidism.

Once I had the proof I needed Liothyronine T3 and I could not take any type of T4 synthetic so as to improve my health I went down the arduous path of convincing a doctor to acknowledge the DNA tests positive results. The doctor as usual following the standard medical practice hand book set out by Big Pharma was apprehensive.

Luckily the endocrinologist I saw privately acknowledged and prescribed me the Liothyronine T3. The NHS doctor had no choice but to approve the endocrinologist.

I began taking the prescribed Liothyronine and immediately noticed how it began to detox the poison from the Levo from my body talk about shit-r-us as Lorraine and I would have a good giggle.

During that time I also saw the good Dr. Peatfield who had shown me how taking my blood pressure and temperature was a good way of listening to my body and knowing when to take the T3.

After consulting with Dr. Peatfield although a very good doctor who has a great insight to managing hypothyroidism and other autoimmune diseases the holistic way. I chose to continue with Carol as my holistic nutritionist practitioner.

Carol directed me to various DNA tests, two that proved to be imperative so my body was getting the correct holistic supplementation and remedies a list of 13 all natural holistic types of medicines to get my body back on track an healthy again.

I began a healthy paleo type diet cutting out all types of grains, gluten, wheat, sugar and dairy (the dairy replaced with almond and coconut milk) indeed anything that was chemically laced with toxins and additives as they all do. No supermarket crap.

I also had a DNA test done called the MTHFR test that proved I had fat malabsorption where anything I put in body was not being absorbed and getting to my cells so supplementing with many certain types of natural minerals and enzymes to support my well being.

Once I had confirmation of the MCHFR gene test I realised how strictly important it was for my body to not have any chemical or invasive substances enter my body and how detoxing was very important as avoiding total chemical free radicals in our living times is essential.

One other test I had was the Kyrptole test which amuses me and reminds me of Superman. A test that proved I have Pyroluria where my body is lacking in Zinc and B6. It was amazing that Carol could pin point the illness just by looking at me and noticing the way I sat.

I can highly recommend Carol she has the insight and knowledge where the holistic approach is concerned both in nutrition and medicinal properties.

Carol also has hypothyroidism and it was due to her having the illness she chose to train to become a nutritionalist.

"Those that have extreme illnesses become very good teachers".

November 2013 I was seriously ill and hanging on to dear life as after 24 years of being I was at the very worst my body was failing at a drastic rate. I was being poisoned by the standard Levothyroxine that was prescribed for hypothyroidism. I immediately stopped taking the toxic Levothyroxine.

At that time I was also suffering from an autoimmune disease called Sjogrens syndrome. I was taking a drug called Plaquenil hydroxy chloroquine. Another very toxic drug. I immediately stopped taking that at that too was poisoning my body.

It is a known fact that any autoimmune disease should not be treated with any amount of chemicals as the immune system is indeed sensitive to any chemical.

It is also known that many different types of autoimmune diseases the symptoms can mimic other clinical conditions.

Not one doctor or specialist that I had seen both in the private sector or the NHS medical world had ever referred to the need for chemicals to be evaded or even anything to do with nutrition.

Even when I was diagnosed with Sjogrens and hypothyroidism not one doctor had ever broached the subject of testing me for antibodies.

It is known that antibody testing must be tested in any autoimmune disease.

November 2013 onward was a very arduous time I was not only trying my utmost to manage my illnesses I also was undergoing considerable stress both physically mentally and financially draining due to 7 years of fighting a crook builder taking him to court. The finical expense has been astronomical in having healthy and nutritional benefits however there was no other way as the NHS was failing big time for me.

The benefit to my health was beginning to show great improvement sticking to a strict regime of when to eat when not to eat and taking my supplements. I actually discovered by eating little and often my stomach was coping well. No more irritable bowel or stomach cramps. My body was beginning to work again. The T3 was a reminder of when to eat as it burnt off the calories. Carol introduced me to GTA Forte a thyroid hormone with all natural T3 and T4 no chemicals at all. I tried all the other thyroid hormone supports experimenting along the way not one could I tolerate.

November 2013 I weighed 12 stone and day by day the weight fell off me my skin became normalised from scaly dry peeling skin, my hair stopped falling out by the handfuls. My brain fog had completely gone a fog that encapsulated you where I felt like my head was detached from my body nothing felt real and my fybromyalgia pain was like red hot knives being stuck in to every joint of your body that completely disappeared.

To be completely pain free was pure heaven.

The episodes of feeling extremely frustrated and depressed lifted and life was worth it again.

The vertigo and balance co-ordination impairment became less, my vision and hearing began to become clearer it was like a the contrast and focus had been improved and a switch had been turned up to full capacity.

Do not underestimate I had seriously considered and I contemplated that I could not live much longer feeling the way I did prior to 2013. I was hanging on for dear life.

During the time when I was at my very worst although I struggled day by day forcing myself to wake up in the mornings my determination and to get my self well grew stronger and while it got stronger my clarity and intuition grew stronger. I relate it to a blind person who uses their other senses.

I will never make full recovery and the damage has effected my memory although that is short term memory my long term is as good as it has always been.

The illnesses have become part of my life and I try my utmost not to allow them to beat me. I am focussing on learning how to see them as a good thing not as invasive debilitating illnesses. They are part of me and they won't ever go away so embracing them and managing them is the best and only way.

I encourage anyone who has an autoimmune disease to focus on healing your gut cut out the gluten, dairy, wheat, sugar and all grains and give your body supplementation detox with smoothies. Have plenty of berries, nuts, pulses grass fed paleo meats. You will never look back as your health improves and your gut becomes healthy and clean.

There is no looking back for me I never touch any type of bread now unless I make it myself with almond flour or coconut flour or anything with no gluten in it. Bread is something I can not enjoy anymore.

I realise how very damaging Gluten can be it's in everything an is genetically modified that alters your DNA.

Sugar I have is a low GI type but very rarely do I have it.

Milk is only coconut or almond not soya as that is genetically modified also. The benefits of Almond and coconut is so goo for your body with B12 and D3 and calcium.

Get yourself a paleo cook book the recipes are quite exciting and health changing and will be rewarding switching to real home cooked and chemical free food.

I urge everyone to raise awareness encourage schools to embrace good clean healthy food. Pressurise the food industry to stop poisoning us for the benefit of pharmaceutical companies.

Consider this the supermarkets have all the crap on the main shelves but at the other end they have the antidote.

The more demand for the antidote the more it will overtake the crap.

I also urge that every living person encourages supplementation and the holistic nutritionist approach as the globalist poets that be want to rid us of these as they no full well they improve peoples health.

The future of medicine is changing fast my next journey is to have a full profile marker test. Then I will know what my body is intolerant to so then I will have a full picture of my bodies make up.

A very good article on leaky gut. Health-insight is the website of my nutritionist.

Leaky Gut Syndrome


If you would like a peak at some of my past year updates going on in my life all on my blog Feel free to browse at your leisure.

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2 Replies
shaws profile image

Thanks for your post and I am sure it will given encouragement to lots of members who have had similar difficulties and am glad you are on the way to recovery. It is a long journey at times and you wonder if you will ever be well.

Best wishes.

Kezzerb profile image
Kezzerb in reply to shaws

Thank you Shaws I do believe the journey never ends. Unfortunately the illness is stressful and stress exaserbates it. Sufferers all need clinics through the NHS professionals with a compassionate understanding of the illness that covers nutrition and supplementation. My vision for sufferers is that they won't ever have to dish out the immense expense as I and others have to enable them to manage their illness unfortunately it's trial and error and finding a balance which is a very difficult task. So many steps forward and so many steps back.

We can only live in hope and keep raising awareness and hope someday our cries for help will be taken seriously by the ones that keep us I'll in the medical professions. It always is a curiosity to me why everyday people suffer from hypothyroidism and yet endos and doctors and specialists do not have not any that I know of anyway. Ah only DR P and we all know how he has been treated helping those with it. All I can see is the medical establishment must want to keep us sick. Wishing you the very best of health and happiness.

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